I think I came into this after reading too many reviews saying I had no idea where this game was going to end up. It’s got some eerie moments but definitely not anything I’d call scary.
It’s a fabulous game, I could have done with the card game being more challenging but that’s not the point

I got to what I think is the final area and moved consoles, deleting all my data😭😭

Made me too sad! They didn’t do anything wrong:(

The beef I have with this game is immeasurable
Going from a game that taught me what “socioeconomic disparity” meant at the age of like 5???? to this mess hurt

It’s KKB! Let’s go🥰
Rotted my brain

How did I beat this game as a child it’s so difficult

Made the mistake of playing after the second game, just highlights how good the sequel is

Clunky combat, visual glitches for days, and some of the most unattractive romance options I’ve ever seen. But over 150 hours and a platinum trophy in and I couldn’t help but feel sad running around saying goodbye to everyone, my giant bartender husband in tow, knowing I’d finished the game and that was that.

This review contains spoilers

If you said to me 5 years ago that id be this emotionally invested in a game about muscular men beating each other into paste with a mini game where the reward is a live action softcore clipreel I would have laughed in your face…
Everything I needed more or less of in like a dragon got sorted, the only down point of the game for me was that Saiko wasn’t allowed to shine as much as she had previously, it gave the feeling that the game saw having two big female characters a bit too much to cope with.