I played this game because everyone was praising it, but to be fair, the game story is not good. They just interchanged the names of templars and assassin's and called it a day.
Too much grind again for the boat itself when the story is relatively short.

Edward is an incredible character and the story is great. Personally I hated the boat missions, not because I did not like the mechanics but, because in my opinion; they started the grinding requirements in the franchise forever.
It also sucks that Modern Day was basically non existent even if it had somewhat some relevance and some Easter Eggs.

My favourite version of Ezio. He is someone that has progressed so much after the previous games and you can only appreciate his wisdom. Playing Altair again will always have a soft spot in my heart.

Rome was just an incredible city to visit and the last mission of this game is just fantastic. All of the good and mystical moments that made AC a different franchise.

This game has some incredible moments like the end of the story for Connor, but in general the game was worse than previous games.

Beautiful game that improved the game mechanics from the first game. The story is fantastic.
God it was great when Ubisoft care about the games they were making.

I have completed this game multiple times, and after 16 years, this game is still unique and fantastic.
One of the most influential games ever.

Geralt is probably the best written character I have ever seen. All the characters are compelling and have great character development. I do not like that some of the most important characters like Iorveth, Letho or Saskia are not present in the game for some unknown reason.
The main story and side missions are just fantastic. Both DLCs are a must in addition to the main story. Even with all of that, I prefered the story of the Witcher 2 because everything that happens is more impactful for the world the characters are in, but the dialogue in this game and everything surrounding it is much better.

First ARPG I play and so far so good. Still in Fort Joy, so I am just in the beginning.

I love that compared to "open world" games, everyone in this world seems to have their own plans and motivations with their own stories. You are able to interact with anyone, and most of the people will have something unique to say.

Best competitive game ever. Incredible that Riot keeps refreshing the game after 13 years.

Great game and story. I think CDPR does a fantastic job in the side missions/characters as always and I enjoyed them more that the main story. Here, I am going to talk about only the immersion/lack there of inside of the city since general reviews probably cover things like the story or RPG elements and so on.

[PRE 2.0 UPDATE - I will come back to it after completing Phantom Liberty]
Good things:
- City looks gorgeous and the asthetic of the people is incredible. There are a lot of cool details with flying vehicles around which give the city a futuristic factor(it is sad that they are just decoration though). Big buildings with neons showing all types of ads give a lot of character to the city.
- Conversations in missions are triggered without you having to engage directly pressing any button. NPCs will speak with you and start the conversations. Sometimes they will be having conversations with other characters before you, and those conversations either give depth to the world and the things happening or sometimes tease events that will affect you in the future.
- You can find NPCs doing things all over the city which makes the city feel real.
- Arms are very cool and you come up with a lot of them being customized which makes it like the person who was holding them really valued them and that they are not generic NPCs but real persons.
- There are a lot of things that you can customized on your character which allows you to be who you really want.
- The logs around the city do an incredible job at world building and they are worth reading them.

Bad/Not so good things:
- Some teleporting bugs are still present when talking to characters(character teleports from one place to another).
- You cannot interact with the world(sitting, leaning on the walls, etc.) when you are having conversations unless the game tells you to do so which in a 1st person game takes a little bit of the inmersion.
- Facial expressions are generally very lacking so it looks like characters are saying or feeling things but not really showing them.
- Your character is almost always static when talking and does not move their arms.
- Vehicles crash physics are non existent. Vehicles in general suck and bikes are surprisingly the best way to move around due to the lack of physics.
- When driving outside of the city, grass mainly can go through your car.
- Cyberware is not very cool as the way that it is presented and feels pretty locked by very high prices so I ended up completing the game without caring about it which sucks.
- Sometimes the game does not know whether it wants you to go through people or not and viceversa.
- It is sad that the only thing that is affected by your initial chose of faction are a couple of dialog options and that there is not really a moral system because the city and the world basically screams for it.