Legendary game. It is incredible to me that a similar concept has not been tried to be replicated. This is what the metaverse should be about.

I loved to play this game in my downtime but it was just alright.

Fucking amazing game, probably one of my favorite Pokemon games because of the character model of the protagonist in addition to the story.

It is unreal that Nitendo took a lot of years to go back to a similar formula like this one and they got it completely wrong.

I enjoyed this game so much but it was just an okay game, a classic shooter of the era. The gunplay was fun and the set pieces were nice.
Good old times I suppose.

I prefere FM4 and FM2 to this one for some reason. That Audi and the feeling of driving cars in the game was great.

This was probably the best game of the franchise. That Road to Wrestlemania was great and if you played the game with friends it was even more fun. Money in the bank combats were the highlight for me, such a ridiculous mode lol.


Not a very good game but the concept was cool.

God I miss this franchise. Similar to what other people say here, I would gladly sacrifice some racing games to get one more entry on these series. These series was took more risks than Forza or Grand Turismo which was pretty refreshing at the time.

One of the best Battlefields in my opinion. It was very different from CoD and a great alternative with a more 'realistic'and down-to-earth experience. i had a lot of fun online in this game.

One of the goats. There is nothing to say that has not ever been said about this game.

Nice attention to detail and a much improved AI compared to previous games. I always prefer more the competitive side of Forza and this game was fun

Ok game. It is sad that for this sport we only have Cyanide doing things and they are just so lazy at creating games.

Nice distraction game. It is nothing special but the art style and story are nice.

Probably the best Codemasters F1 game


Worst than its predecessors and it decided to not continue expanding on the Story ideas from Braking Point which is sad. Game was also a mess and it is pretty sad because with the new regulations they could have thought about introducing big changes so it is what it is.