Good game and that is about it. I only play these games when they are free and each of them is enjoyable.

I am going to give it a good rating because the Braking Point story was a great addition that for some reason was not continued in the next game after being a great refreshing idea.

I loved the game and more importantly the setting and ideas.
I believe that story could be much better with the world that has been set. Side quests felt uneventful and not very impactful.

I hope that in the second game they have put a lot of focus on it because, for this game, it was a little bit mild.

I loved the story from the game to be honest and the new and updated graphics and animations felt great. Also, the third generation of Pokemon was great.

Masterpiece of its time. I loved playing with 3 more people and fight each other in the different maps. Rachet and Clank will always have a soft spot in my heart.

It was a great game and very innovative on how it approached things compare to the GTA franchise. It is sad that it evolved into something not so good in the end.

Game for me became pretty boring after a couple of hours. The movement is smooth and greatly implemented, but it feels like the only thing you can do in the city is fighting and that is about it. The story never engaged either unfortunately. I may come back to it at some point.

Masterpiece. The music from this game and the tone of the game is so different from the mainline games and yet so good. You are not the typical character you were used to be, you are just a normal human and oh boy they nailed everything about that. The loneliness and sadness of walking alone as you remember everything that had happened, just marvelous.

Firefight was also great and the challenges to get the recon were greatly integrated with the baseline game. Love me some ODST.

I wish 343 had the balls to go for a game like this instead of trying to basically destroy Chief.

Alright game which felt like a step down because of how innovative and good was Modern Warfare.

I love this game and the concept of a linear game into an open world map. One of the best parts of this game is the voice acting and the tone of the game.
The best game of the franchise in my opinion


This game was a very good idea and I hope that Rockstar or anyone revisit this setting because this game idea has a lot of potential.

One of the best games ever in the genre because of all the possibilities that the game had out of the box. Story was very good and the core abilities are still unique to this day. The soundtrack is just unreal.

Similar to Rockstar, Bethesda has milked this game till the last drop which sucks because they could have used all the money to properly create a remake but we know how the industry works nowadays. The good thing is that they were pretty open for the modding community, and event if I never went into it, everyone speak wonders about it which is reflected into Youtube videos.

The first solo adventure from Bungie and I am still sad at the fact that this game could have had so much potential. The concept and the idea sounded fantastic, but at the end of the day the game fell short at every possible aspect of it. At least visually it was wonderful and it had few moments of brilliance.

I still remember the raids with friends that basically took forever because the bosses were next level bullet sponges but they were very fun to be honest.

One of the first Games as a service which showed all the possible flaws that this model could have, and up to this date, no company has really solved.

I personally played this game for fun so I was never very involved in all of the controversy about the game.
The story for me was great and the visuals for this game are always astonishing. I would have loved that the story was always from the side of the Empire since apparently everything in Star Wars now has to always be about the Rebels and wha not but it is what it is.
I miss games that have multiple stories from both sides of the coin.

Better than the newer complete edition with all the new bad practices from the industry.
The humour on Lego games is top notch and the way the story is told is very compeling and fun. It is also very cool to play all the characters once you unlock them in all the different missions.