Ape Escape 2 takes everything I enjoyed about the original and improves upon it, thanks to it's memorable stages, various monkeys that are even more charming than the originals, and it's slight improvement to the controls. Additionally the game also has far more bosses than the original, all of which offer a good challenge. Ape Escape 2 even let's players skip tutorials for gadgets, which was something I didn't even know I wanted. My only complaint towards this game is that the soundtrack wasn't as memorable to me as the first games was.

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A pretty fun time in spite of being a little rough at times. Combat in Kingdom Hearts is pretty fun and is easy to get the hang of, but has enough depth to it to make it interesting. The different Keyblades you can obtain throughout the journey and the various you learn add a lot of customization to KH1 to help keep it fresh. Most of the levels are fun to go through as well and do a good job of representing the movies they come from. My favorites being Agrabah, Deep Jungle, and Hollow Bastion. I felt the story was mostly pretty good, though dialogue could get a little repetitive at times. I want to specifically focus on Sora and Riku when discussing writing as I think their relationship throughout the game is done well. With the two starting as friends before slowly drifting apart and ending up on opposite sides of the conflict. I think the conflict in their friendship peaks during the first Hollow Bastion visit, where Riku fully embraces the darkness and takes the Keyblade from Sora. In spite of this, Sora still cares for Riku and that care ultimately leads to the two being able to work together to close Kingdom Hearts. Sora in general is a character I enjoyed, as he always managed to stay positive despite everything he goes through in the story. I'd be remiss to talk about this game without mentioning the stellar soundtrack, which has a great selection of music for both the game's various worlds and fights. My favorites were the Neverland sky theme and the combat theme in the final world. My main criticisms towards this game lie with it's bosses being a somewhat mixed bag, with Ursula, Genie Jafar, and Ansem's 3rd phase being notable lowloints, and the underwater and flight segments messing with the combat at points. Regardless, I still really like this game and can see myself going back for it's post game content.

A pretty fun game. Rehydrated is about as funny as the original show was during it's peak, and it's pretty solid as a collectathon 3D platformer too! My only gripes with it are most of the bosses and the 100% completion bonus being a little underwhelming. It's still a pretty fun time though and something I could recommend, regardless of whether you like SpongeBob or 3D platformers.

It's really good! Metroid Prime Remastered has become a new favorite of mine from this series, and is something I could see myself wanting to replay in the future! The story and lore the game provides is interesting, the controls are solid, and the visuals make this one of nicer looking games on the Switch. Boss encounters mostly provide a good challenge, especially the last two bosses. And the areas are fun to explore and are visually interesting, especially Phendrana Drifts. My only tow criticisms that come to mind are the endgame fetchquest for some of the chozo artifacts, and the Chozo Ghost enemies, who pretty much ruin the Chozo Ruins the moment they start appearing. Regardless of it's issues, I still highly recommend Prime Remastered, especially if you enjoyed Dread.

A pretty solid remake of one of Kirby's better games. The visual upgrade is stunning, as everything here looks fantastic, the backgrounds in the stages especially. The two new copy abilities they added are both fun to play around with, and quite a few copy abilities relieved new moves they had in later games, such as sword gaining the skyward strike from the 3DS games. The two new modes they added were great as well! The various subgames they added are pretty fun, with my favorites being booming blasters and Kirby on the draw. The minigames also give access to cosmetics referencing characters from previous Kirby games, which is a nice touch. The Magolor epilogue is great as well. Magolor is a fun character to play as, especially as you increase his abilities through his skill tree. My only criticisms I have towards this remaster is the lack of online play for the main campaign, and not giving the player the ability to swap characters for Extra Mode. This is still a pretty solid option for a 2D platformer on Switch and one that I can recommend.