10 Reviews liked by GoldMaster



la concha de su madre, magos y magas

maldito online te maldigo bugisoft

I am still waiting for a port/sequel and losing bets on Nintendo Direct predictions against my schizophrenic self.

I don't care what anyone says, I couldn't be happier about this inclusion. Not only did one of my top five most wanted characters get added and end up being good, they're also a rushdown, which is my favorite fighting game character playstyle. Isabelle, Sephiroth and Steve were all cool additions, but this was the announcement I really popped off at.

my friend really likes these characters so I'm rating them half a star just to piss him off

Klonoa 2: Lunatea’s Veil


I was not expecting this game to hit me as hard as it did.

First of all let's get the easy part out of the way, the gameplay. This game does what every sequel should do and build upon what worked on the original, so if you like the original you will like this too. Although this game does also introduce hoverboard stages, I feel these are a great addition because they build upon the grabbing and throwing mechanics of the main gameplay so that they don't feel too far removed and are infrequent enough to be fun way to break up the main gameplay without detracting from it.

And now the story, this is hard to quantify as it is a very emotional story. The characters are great, with good character growth. There were two moments in particular (an important character moment for one of the side characters and the ending of the game) that honestly had me on the verge of tears.

Do not let this game pass you by, play it on easy if you have to. One of the best stories in gaming.

I will not stand for this Nia erasure

Reall good! Don't listen to the haters that just do not like jrpgs or xenoblade but review this anyway. If you like jrpg or these games you will like this game

Ya no son solo esas mecánicas pulidísimas a niveles bárbaros, esa música que roza lo adictivo o esa dirección artística tan preciosa. Es que encima el juego es difícil pero hace lo posible por que lo disfrutes sea cual sea tu nivel de destreza. ¿Quieres ponerlo más fácil? ¡Pues hazlo, no pasa nada! Que esto está para pasártelo, no para agobiarte. Porque de esto va la historia, de una chica dispuesta a superar sus límites, a convivir con la ansiedad y a crecer como persona. En serio, no os lo perdáis, no por nada ha sido nominado a mejor juego el mismo año que God of War y Red Dead Redemption 2.