I haven't gotten to far yet, it's interesting so far, and I like the cameos of all the former protagonists/notable characters

As a huge "Tales of" fan, this game is AMAZING, I was so disappointed when it got taken off of the app store. Almost every previous Tales character makes a return, the Rays OCs are simple yet nice to interact with, there's music from the other games, and the costumes and art so so much fun to collect (it's a gacha, what do you expect). It's not too hard to get what you want without spending money, which is nice. I'm currently emulating the Japanese version of this game using BlueStacks, and it's just as good as it was when the global servers were up. If you're a Tales fan with BlueStacks on your computer, this game is one I'd recommend.

I have a much better review for the game now that I've played it more. It's very fun and while I'm having a hard time getting the characters I want, I'm still getting new characters. The gameplay is engaging but I love this game best for it's characters, character designs, and story. (Tsukasa and Rin are my absolute favorites)

I've finished this game, and can say, it's a very fun game. Not my favorite Tales game (that goes to the Symphonia duology), but I loved the cast and the gameplay was easy to pick up. The graphics are beautiful and the story is easy to follow yet engaging. The music is also very nice. If you're a JRPG person, this would be a game I recommend.

This is the best game in the series, I loved Hajime as a protag and I thought that the story for this game is better than 1. Nagito is my favorite character, he's interesting (also the reason why I'm trying to pull the Count of Monte Cristo in Fate Grand Order, but that's neither here nor there). Gameplay was more engaging and fun. honestly I really had a lot of fun with this game.

I really like this game, it's very fun and I enjoyed it a lot. The warriors style play was very fun and engaging and I think Shez is cool. The story was lacking a little, but the redesigns for the returning cast looked so good. If you've played 3 Houses, this is a good game to play after

I'm very sad this game is gone now, it was so much fun. I think I still like Tales of the Rays more than this, but the story and characters for Crestoria are a million times better and I'm very sad I won't see them anymore nor get to experience the end of the story. Honestly, a great game gone too soon.

This is easily one of my all time favorite games. I've put probably way too many hours into it. The characters are all fun and well written and while the story deals with some heavy stuff, it's bearable and is still engaging. I love the gameplay loop and the mechanics both for being in and out of palaces. There's a lot to do and a lot of characters to interact with. I'd recommend this game for anyone who likes games with long stories and turn based battles. (I also have this game for the Switch, and can say, I'd recommend getting it for the PS4 or on Steam).

Contrary to what most people are saying, this is my favorite version of both Symphonia and Dawn of the New World. Chronicles was my intro to "Tales of" and when I played Symphonia, I fell in love. Tales of Symphonia is an amazing game with a wide cast of characters and a lovable, yet semi idiotic protagonist (I love him), it's story may be cliche, but it's masterfully crafted and every dungeon and city is unique and fun, there's always something to see. The soundtrack is amazing and while the graphics haven't aged well, that would be my only note apart from the fact that Symphonia doesn't do a good job of teaching you combat mechanics. Speaking of combat, it's easy enough to pick up, my only problem with it was triggering Mystic Artes. Almost everything about Symphonia was well done. You grow to love each of the party members and even some of the antagonists. Also each character got an English voice actor that really fit their character, I really love how each character sounds and how expressive the VAs were able to be with their characters, it really helped build each character's personality and elevated my enjoyment during cutscenes.

Moving on to Dawn of the New World, Symphonia's sequel, also contrary to popular belief, I absolutely love this game too, as much as I love it's predecessor. Emil and Marta are both fun new additions to the already wide cast of characters, and Emil's character development is noticeable, but very well done and reasonable. I understand why people think Emil and Marta are annoying, but I honestly love them. The graphics aren't much better (it was originally a Wii, what should I expect) and the story may be simpler and maybe lower quality, but I still found myself enjoying the game I was given. Actually, my favorite part of Dawn of the New World is how Lloyd was written. It was so interesting to see how he'd changed over 2 years and to this day, I'm still (slowly) writing fanfiction about it. The rest of the Symphonia cast comes and goes so that the recruited monsters can stand out (yes, you can recruit monsters, it's really awesome. I haven't quite figured out the details on how to get it to happen consistently, but it's still so much fun). An improvement I believe happened between DotNW and Symphonia is that in DotNW, it's much easier to trigger Mystic Artes, which is super nice. The less interesting part about DotNW is the music, most of it is remixes of music from Symphonia which I can't say I'm suprised, but also I would have liked to hear more original tracks. Speaking of sound, while, from my understanding, many people were upset by a majority of the original Symphonia cast not being present (I believe only Colette and Kratos kept their original voice actors), I actually don't mind the new cast. I enjoyed how they played each character and I have to give props to Lloyd's DotNW voice actor for being able to play him, considering he's not the main protagonist like he was in Symphonia. Lloyd's DotNW voice actor (Brian Beacock, if anyone is interested, yes, he played Monokuma in Danganronpa), in my opinion, played Lloyd really well, of course I love how Lloyd's previous voice actor (Scott Menville) played him, but I feel like Brian's voice for Lloyd had a kind of tone to it that just fit Lloyd for the situation Lloyd was in, a slightly more closed off, secretive character. The way he voice acted that kind of Lloyd just... works, and it's really good (again, this is just my opinion). I wish I could explain it better than I am, but the gist of it is I like how Brian Beacock played Lloyd, I think he did a really good job. The rest of the new voice actors I feel were able to bring their own interpretation of each member of the original cast. While the voice actors are different, I do like how each of them played their character. The 2 returning voice actors, Cam Clarke (Kratos Aurion) and Heather Hogan-Watson (Colette Brunel, aka my favorite character in all of fiction (also, side note, I've seen both last names used (thanks Fire Emblem Heroes), so I don't know which one is actually it or if it is both, apologies if there is a problem with this, and if there is, please reply)).

Anyway, I'll stop rambling now, I love both of these games a lot and will recommend both of them purely out of bias and also I just think they're both fantastic. I am so sorry for the wall of text and thanks for coming to my TedTalk.

TLDR; Both Symphonia games are awesome, also (Dawn of the New World Steam/Switch port when)

This has been one of the only open world games to keep my attention for more than a week. As someone who grew up on Harry Potter, I love this game so much. The graphics are beautiful, the voice acting is great, the soundtrack is awesome, the animations are phenomenal, and there's so much exploring to do. Using spells are SO MUCH FUN. The world surrounding Hogwarts and Hogsmeade is incredible. There's a lot to do apart from the main story and side quests too, which is super great. The character customization options are very nice as well. Also the voice actors did so well, they bring so much personality to each character, even the player character has some great voice lines. Honestly, one of the best games I've ever played. If you're a Harry Potter fan, you'll love this game.

Fun game so far, will elaborate on review when I have the time.