Maps are garbage, new units are trash and the story is borrrrrrring. Even though I am harsh on Engage as the days pass by, this didn't deserve to be the last piece of content it received

The best way to experience this game. Sony did a phenomenal job with this port.

The best in the trilogy and it finally achieves the sweet spot of no bs, good challenge level design. Normally the 3rd game in platformer trilogies have the sudden urge to throw random minigames in the mix but these are tun so I'll give them a pass.

Final boss is not as pathetic as the last one but still not anything to write home about.

Amazing. The story is engaging from start to finish and the combat is actually pretty good. Is now 1 of 2 good over the shoulder action games from Sony.

First time playing the European version. Still phenomenal although took a bit longer than expected getting used to playing Sly on a handheld

This is one of those games that I got solely off of aura (as the kids say)

I believe this is the first time I've ever bought an Indie game day 1 but getting to the point of the review: I liked Penny's Big Breakaway most of the time.

The controls weren't amazing. There were so many moments where I ended up performing a move I didn't mean to simply because their inputs are so similar. This could just be a certified skill issue but I would like to mention it since I've seen others note similar.

The worst thing about the game has to be all the clipping. I don't think this game should've been shadowdropped but even still the game is playable but don't be suprised when you hit something, immediately fly to it, bounce off of it and then fall to your death. On that note, the physics are just...weird? I expected Penny to be MUCH lighter than she actually is and I'll be honest I just never got used to that. I can only hope that in the future this is remedied (for my sake at least)

The boss battles are nothing to write home about but I was a bit saddened over how easy it is to cheese them with how clippy the game is right now

To highlight some positives, I loved the level design, the powerups, and just the overall charm of the game. They've really got something here and I love just how the game draws you in, even with how frustrated I got at times, I didn't really want to put it down.

As someone who got completely whooped by the first Crash game I was rly just hoping to at least enjoy my time with Crash 2 and I would say that this game is leaps and bounds better than Crash 1. It flows better, it feels better and the level design doesn't make me want to pull my hair out ALL the time. Incredibly underwhelming final boss but I'm not sure if that was a remaster thing or consistent across both versions.

Made me realize I actually suck at double battles, but wow is this such a great way to end Gen 9. Unfortunately the performance issues still take away from what would be an amazing mainline Pokemon game

Can't wait for ILCA to ruin this


Hi-Fi Rush is comic book inspired action with admittedly just the hints of a rhythm game (although its musical passion is of course on full display). With that comes a game that stands proudly as one of the best from 2023. It is most certainly worth your time.

Oh, and 808 🔛🔝

Very solid Kirby game that actively tries to carve out its own identity.

Not sure what the point of the name is but one thing I'll say is fhat I would lobe for Hypernova to make another appearance at some point

Sonic Superstars feels very much like a response to Super Mario Wonder despite the two coming out on the same day, and a really half-baked attempt to just say 'we can do that too!' to Sonic Mania.

The emerald powers are so forgettable and non-consequential that they might as well not be in the game.

Superstars also somehow manages to make you feel nothing for a Sonic OST. In fact, a lot of Superstars feels very much like them playing it safe.

Overall, Sonic Team failed to understand what made Mania such a breath air for Sonic and general gaming fans: which is that it felt like a very natural continuation of the 2D Sonic Games of old in 1-3 and CD. Superstars does not feel like a natural continuation but I would be able to excuse that if it made me feel anything for what's going on here. It's not the worst thing in the world but it sure is boring.

I'm gonna try my best and actually add something to new to the conversations about this game: I don't find this game to fill me with the same wonder that Breath of the Wild did back in 2017. Perhaps that is a consequence of being a sequel game but I'm afraid that's just how I simply feel. I hope to finish the game one day and give it the look it deserves but unfortunately it caught me at a bad time with other releases and replays I had scheduled. It's still a phenomenal Zelda game that doesn't really do anything wrong but I'l be honest and say the desire is not there.


Solid game to get your mind off things that paints a world that is fun to get lost in as an unconvential protagonist. Admittedly only got halfway in before I began to lose interest but even though I've put this in the abandoned section, I can see myself making my way back to it or at the very least recommending it to a friend.