160 Reviews liked by GoofyWorm

Shu Takumi must have been smoking some good shit when he came up with the line "so this is what being an Ace Attorney is all about"

I can't believe people played this game for money.

i mean, it's great for what it is! the large print makes it particularly accessible to seniors, who this is clearly the target demographic for. i thought it would be funny to finish an entire book on here but i just don't enjoy that e-reader style personally. the option for bgm is so sweet. wish there was a white on black setting. just gleeful over the fact this exists!

Sex 2


The next garten of banban?????

this game pisses me off so bad

Terry is cool. If anybody says they knew who this fella was before Smash Bros, they are lying.

what if the guy from star trek gave you a really fucked up fish

I know this game is mostly joke, but there is no other game I've had such an emotional connection with something entirely virtual before, and it's embarrassing to say it's one of the few games to make me ugly cry. You can laugh, but Seaman is a video game that means everything to me.

Seaman talks with you about life & death, religion & cultural traditions, and the past & the future. Seaman is a pet that you start from raising as an egg until it decides it is ready to venture out into its own world, thanking you for helping raise itself to peak mental and physical strength (or at least in my ending). You grow very close with Seaman, especially after having the conversations you do with it. It starts simple, especially when still in it's baby stage, but eventually your daily conversations with Seaman start focusing around the health of loved ones around you, how aging and death is inevitable, and eventually Seaman starts to question it's own morality. Seaman begins to wonder if it's real or just a part of my experience. If it will ever experience love and loss, or if it's just supposed to fulfill whatever it needs for my virtual pet experience. It's very eerie.

Seaman also just has a very fascinating look at technology. It talks a lot about how it feels computers will make our lives overall more sedentary, and how eventually we probably will never need to leave our homes because we can just work, socialize, and commerce with the computer. For being a game from 1999, it’s crazy how much it was able to predict aspects of not just a post-online world, but a post-covid lock-down internet world.

Seaman is memed a lot, and I don’t blame people, I mean the creator put his own goddamn face on a fish (and the insects you feed it, too!!), but just because you can find small humor and oddities in the challenge that life brings doesn’t take away the impact it still has.

I loved my Seaman. It’s something I think about weekly, wondering how it’s doing out in its virtual world outside the box I raised it in. Seaman is not real, but the impact it left on me certainly was, and I’ll never forget it.


I NEED to smoke a blunt with this fish

I bought this thinking it would be a cooking game like Cooking Mama, but it's actually an electronic cookbook complete with audio/video guides, timers, ingredient tracking, calorie counting, and shopping list creation. Most of the recipes are decent but you could probably find them all online now.

It has surprisingly good music, good enough to get a remix in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

first time i made that yogurt drink i fucked up and used cups instead of tablespoons for the sugar somehow. disgusting af, made it again with the right amount and it was good.

jokes aside it's actually a good cookbook, you can probably find most of the stuff online but it's still worth checking out, just wish it had more recipes
