24 reviews liked by GranitWave

i could not comprehend a single thing that happened during my entire playthrough of this doom wad, i legit felt like i was being labotomized during this whole thing





















The amount you have to grind for progression sucks but it's an incredible game, if you ignore that little part.

Left wing destroyed :sunglasses:

love and hate relationship with this game, i have almost 5k hours in it, someone help me

if this happened to me I'd be fine

I'm a simple person. This game is meant to be played as a couch multiplayer experience, and as that, my friend and I had tons of fun. Even messing up levels was fun, because we would argue and blame each other (in good fun) about who messed up. This game had a fun soundtrack, the viewership count was interesting and was, honestly, tons of fun to play back in the day. Not a great game but can't help but rate it based on those memories.

Demolition Man was easy fight me

This game was good. I would say too bad there's no sequel, but I don't trust modern ubisoft to make a good sequel.