A wonderful journey with beautiful scenery, creatures, and concepts. This is truly a marvelous experience. However, as a game, it has many downsides, especially with frustrating controls and gameplay where a single mistake can cost you a lot of time. Although some of the puzzles you have to solve to defeat the colossi were pretty fun.

Pretty fun and challenging. Also full of great messages around mental health and overcoming obstacles.

As my first experience with the Dead Space series, I have to say that I am extremely impressed with what I just experienced. This is a fantastic game from beginning to end. Creepy and anxiety-inducing in the first half, and action-packed in the second, I highly recommend this remake.

I only played for less than an hour but I was ready to tear my hair out in frustration due to the massive amount of bugs, awful minigames, and just overall terrible gameplay. I love Coraline with all my heart but I just couldn't bring myself to finish this.

Wow, what a journey.

God of War Ragnarök, although barely deviating from its predecessor in terms of gameplay and style, has a significantly improved story, fully expanding on its wonderful characters. There are so many amazing things to love about it, giving a proper ending to the Norse mythology chapter of this saga. If you have the chance, please play these games.

Seeing how Xenoblade Chronicles 3 was a game of the year nominee and the insane reviews it was getting here, I decided to give it a try. However, I have to admit that even though the story intrigued me a lot, the gameplay is absolutely not for me. I wish I could have continued, but the combat was giving me a headache.

I had medium to high expectations for As Dusk Falls, and I loved the interesting art style. However, the story gets progressively dull after its intense and great start. I recommend trying it out if you're into interactive stories, but it won't be everyone's cup of tea.

Extremely short, but I admire the concept and settings of this game. I have yet to try it with friends, but I had a blast screaming hard at the terrifying encounters in Pacify.

It was so good. A very satisfying way to start the year of survival horror. Even though the gameplay is clunky at the beginning, by the endgame I was having so much fun. Also, the setting is phenomenal and creepy.

Surpassed all of my expectations. Choo-Choo Charles impressed me on every front for a game made by only one dude. There were some genuinely terrifying areas and it has enough content to keep it fun even though it was so short.

The second part to this dark story is so much better than the first one. This one really hits you in the feels, and the writing and settings are as beautiful as always. The gameplay is decent, the same as Innocence, but with the added crossbow that makes it much more fun. I though this was a great game that I recommend for anyone looking for a good adventure and story.

Just learning the ropes of Phasmophobia but I can tell that I will really enjoy this game, especially with friends and experience. It has a steep learning curve but once you understand how the ghost-hunting process works it becomes so entertaining. Also it is one of the only games in a while that has genuinely terrified me.

Logging Part 1 and 2.

Very creepy, hilarious, and eerily beautiful game. I remember playing these when I was 10 years old, which deeply traumatized me lol. Shame we never got to see part 3 and the conclusion of this story. If you liked this game I highly recommend Fran Bow.

Very great game, on par with Until Dawn. Supermassive games should focus on these longer-more polished stories with very likeable characters. Dylan and Jacob forever.

I've never been a big fan of fighting games so I don't think I am the target audience, but I love what Warner Bros is trying to do with MultiVersus as I really like these characters. Maybe this is much more fun with friends and in competitive torunaments.