+ Surpisingly solid, entertaining gunplay & with a smattering of platforming.
+ If you love the humor of Rick & Morty, you'll love this game's humor.
- Buggy trophies & lack of a game map makes completion more annoying then it should be.
- If you hate the humor of Rick & Morty, you'll hate this game (20+ hours of it starts to wear thin).

Platinum #56

+Beautifully dark, fairytale esque story and setting.
+Genuinely creepy and unsettling moments.
+Fantasic music.
-Trophies can be incredibly easy to miss.
-Includes a no death run trophy that can sometimes feel really cheap due to trial and error gameplay.

Platinum #57

+Some fun ideas and the game world had some interesting potential.
+The 'gunplay' is solid.
-Suffers badly from 'MCU' style writing and humor that ultimately falls flat.
-Encounters in the later half of the game are extremely chaotic due to way too much happening with spell effects aka 'visual diarrhea'.

Platinum #66

Being a fan of the Geometry Wars titles for sometime, the series' take on 'Vampire Survivors' was a fun hour to kill. Not sure of its staying power unfortunately - seems like a small pool of upgrades in game to really change things up from session to session.

Platinum #58

+ Combat feels diverse and great to play.
+ Really sick enemy designs.
- Collectibles - particularly the cash bags needed for upgrades - feel really lacking and reward way too little.
- Lack of a proper select & multiple save files makes replaying it for collectibles tedious.

Platinum #60

+ Gunplay is solid & the guns have some neat functionality when upgraded. Katana feels particularly fun.
+ Truly out there enemy designs.
- The writing & humor starts to grate after a while (depending on your tastes).

Platinum #64

The most fun I've had in a multi-player title in sometime. Absolutely a blast and I'm very excited to see what the studio Arrowhead does going forward.

Platinum #59

+ Intricate and intriguing puzzles that were fun to solve.
+ Simple collectibles.
+ Felt like the perfect length - not too long, not too short.