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GravelordGaming completed Firewatch
This game started off on a downer and ended on another. Its exploration, visuals and storytelling are all decent, but it's such a downer and really didn't put or leave me in the best headspace.

10 hrs ago

GravelordGaming completed Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Very well-done psychological, borderline horror game. It's not too long (only about 7-9 hours), but what it lacks in length it makes up for in beautiful visuals and top-notch audio design.

5 days ago

GravelordGaming finished Onimusha: Warlords
This is a big nostalgia game for me. I played the series growing up and was excited when I saw it was released on Steam in 2019. It's not too long (only takes about 4 hours to beat the main story), but if you like Ninja Gaiden and/or Resident Evil, it's Capcom's love child of the two. It still holds up today and is definitely worth a playthrough.

12 days ago

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