This was a nice and fun little puzzle game... but what were they thinking with the achievements???

Love the game, but damn the players are toxic.

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Good simulation about managing a steampunk city after a global winter wiped out most of humanity. I liked the harshness of the story and the radial grid of the architecture. However, after playing RimWorld for years I was disappointed by the lack of variance in Frostpunk. You juggle the same 5 resources in every scenario, the scouts have little to do and it's always either fascism or theology.
I hope that Frostpunk 2 will give me more options to explore the world, individualise my city and respond to problems.

The puzzles and aesthetics are great, but I wasn't smart enough for the higher levels.

Missing goals, unskippable cutscenes, one-hit-kill attacks, some useless crafting and an utterly barren world that I hated to explore. Both the difficulty setting and the photo mode were nonsense. The game mechanics sometimes made me feel like glued to the ground and at others it catapulted me into the air for dozens of meters, inflicting fall damage and offering a generous opportunity for the enemy to attack me while I'm stunned.

Beautiful, but somewhat too simplistic for a sequel.

Great successor to Overcooked, though much easier to beat and a bit short.


Lovely and fun co-op, but what happened to Spring???

Fun idea with one of the worst communities out there.

Encountered a deadlock in chapter 3 and couldn't finish the game. Apart from that, the puzzles weren't too tricky and the background info panels were interesting.

It was promising those first few days. A fun team game inspired by Takeshi's Castle. Quick rounds, silly obstacles, connecting with other players.
And then the cheaters came. No winning against them, so player numbers started to dwindle. After months of enduring games riddled with hackers, the devs finally managed to ban most of them... but at what price? With every update the game became a little shittier. Lesser players meant longer waiting time for a server to group up. Gone was your individual name tag. Focus shifted quickly to the in-game shop and featuring meaningless cameos. Finally, "Fall Guys" became an Epic exclusive, forever bringing shame to their name. What is dead may never die, but hopefully inspires a better successor to come.