really got into it the second time playing, epic game. play on easy

this games puzzles are perfect for my foolish underdeveloped chimpanzee brain. i love the different seasons they look pretty. a must play if you love zelda games.

okay maybe i am just an idiot but damn this games puzzles are hard as hell. this game is awesome play it if you love zelda games

game is incredibly fun, also its funny

a must play for any PTCG fan. amazing game

puzzles that tickle your brain just the right amount, and the lovely Hatsune Miku is also there. i just cannot get enough of this game. buy now

i freak tf out playin this! too fun

Dated questions and a somehow an even more dated microphone accessory make this game nearly unplayable for anyone born in the last half-century. What a fucking joke.

let me just play as the large sonic please!

what if they made a sonic game where all the levels suck and its not fun