Great atmosphere & concept with a mediocre execution. Still recall having a lot of fun with this one.

Definitely was overly excited about this release at the time.

Can we get a remastered re-release of this?

People hated this and yeah it was depressing and the controls were jank in places, but I wanted more. I was enjoying it more than the show at the time.

Fun fact: The music looped in this was used in Guantánamo Bay

The appeal of this is the two player mode with the new cavewoman character. You can find this on compilation tabletops since it wasn't released on any consoles in the US.

Like someone adapted a good short story, a fun, scary game that won't take up too much of your time. Cool, straightforward gameplay and looks great for an indie game.

Currently still the best update to Pac-Man.

Finally, a straight up sequel to Wario Ware Smooth Moves, a great game too many sat on.

Eternally on my wishlist.

👑 of my Atari Lynx collection

And, lo, the Gods cried for a hero and the Nerd arrived with his pencils to rid the soured land of evil...

Beautiful. Sad. Mysterious. And also hard AF.