It started to wane a bit towards the end and the story is barely there, but not bad for $4.

Always wondered if anyone else's copy had the glitch where it stopped saving progress?

Underrated classic. Also a great game for kids with its weirdness.

Think I'm the only one who loves the music from this.


I wonder if my Patrick Bateman Habbo is still accessible

Chaotic nostalgia porn in all the right ways.

I really tried my preteen ass off to beat this one on Lynx.

"Have you met mah dad? hE's tHe mAyOrrrrrrrrR"

Midi music fire branded into my subconscious

This game is brought to you by the letters A,S,M and R

Cool opening music. That's the tweet.

Does it count if you beat the Tiger Electronics LCD handheld version of this?

I will return to the Alpha Zones one day.

Had a ton of fun with the multiplayer on this back in the day.