Resident Evil Revelations is a piece of history. A bridge between the newer entries players lap up today, and the tightrope the series once balanced on in order to reach a wider audience. That being said, is it a particularly great game? No, not really. Apart from a few stand out moments and the co-operative “raid mode” which is to blame for the ludicrous amount of hours I put into the 3DS original, it’s a hard sell for anyone but a die-hard resi fan.

Set in radiation riddled Moscow, it's a testament to the game's atmosphere that Metro Last Light can make you feel so at home among the inhabitants of its underground safe-havens. However, that immersion doesn't come cheap, and in order to retain it, you must ignore a smorgasbord of bugs, poor stealth mechanics and many more issues that try their best to bog down what is otherwise a decent romp.

Whilst I enjoyed my time with the game, a few interesting ideas and mechanics could only take it so far. Even after an almost decade long development time, Overgrowth is just a tech demo masquerading as a game.

Whilst it's a competently put together game, it spends far too long wading through cliches to actually do something interesting, let alone "scary".

Singularity is an undercooked experience through and through, but snippets of brilliance remain. I can imagine worse ways to spend six hours than gnawing away at this game.

(oh wow that rhymed)

I always find it's best to confide in those close to you during hard times. That's why I'd only ever recommend playing Resident Evil 6 with a friend, nothing brings people together like shared trauma.

Excusing the occasional and not so occasional jank, Sleeping Dogs is a formidable contender in the open-world genre. A game that offers both an engaging story and fun all around is rare and only makes me long for the sequel we'll never get.

Set in a pristine dystopia, Mirror's Edge stumbles a lot over its relatively short runtime. But if you're someone who can brush off a graze or two, its unique style of first-person platforming is still unmatched to this day.

A wonderfully clever ode to the horror games of yesteryear, for what Lost in Vivo lacks in complexity it more than makes up for in atmosphere. I'd give this game a hearty recommendation for those in need of nightmare fuel.

A story doomed to never reach its conclusion, Underhell is a mod that's difficult to recommend. With only two chapters released, the games surprisingly long runtime is made monotonous via empty objectives and padding. Despite all this though, a chilling experience resides within and I implore any horror fans to at least explore "the house".

Much like its predecessor, Revelations 2 situates itself at crossroads between horror and action. The result of this is a game that can't quite do either, and whilst some moments shine and are propelled by the sequels greater ambitions, it stumbles far more than the first. Overall though, including the yet again excellent "raid mode", Revelations 2 is another game best endured as a die hard fan.

When launching IMSCARED you'll be met with a warning of the horrors to come, a headstrong start you might think. A promise destined to crumble long before you reach the credits. In truth, that warning is well warranted and what transpires is a meta horror game that requires out of the box thinking to see through to the end. To say any more would encroach on your experience, so if this sounds even mildly interesting I'd implore you to delve into this fleshy rabbit hole at once, you won't soon forget it.

Left 4 Dead 2 is still the reigning king of the zombie shooter genre. Others have tried to match what Valve and Turtle Rock put out over a decade ago just to fall far short of that target. Each campaign run is just as engaging as the last, and among the chaos is a precision that is one of the keys to the game's success, with the other being, you guessed it, mods. Because amidst the hordes of Hatsune Miku player models are genuinely enthralling custom campaigns that match the quality of the ones seen in the main game. Whilst not all mods reach such a high standard, the pure volume of them allows for the player to customise their experience to an extent that is rare to see in AAA titles. And for all its pros, it's that attitude towards modding that solidifies Left 4 Deads legacy.

With an opening that draws you in before abruptly concluding moments after, GAME.exe is a serviceable horror game carried by its excellent presentation. Despite its cheap price tag however, I still expected more than a virtual desktop featuring an easy to beat "collect 8 pages" horror game.

The Evil Within is more than the lacklustre reception it got upon release, and in its own way, is a staple of the action-horror sub-genre ramping up the intensity gradually as you progress deeper into the hellish world Sebastian finds himself in. This is sadly not the case in the game's third act however, acting as a sizable blemish on what could've been another hit and run for famed director Shinji Mikami.