Incredibly fun, one of my all time favorites!

Pretty fun, one of those games you can put many hours into.

Not saying the game is bad, it just didn't appeal to me.

Very fun with friends but I have a hard time getting into it on my own.

A fun game if you enjoy experience over game play. Basically a more intriguing walking simulator, so if you're into that than I highly recommend.

Very lovable characters with mostly non existent game play. Enjoyable but mostly forgettable.

VERY fun with friends, though not something I'd play on my own

I have quite a hard time trying to come up with a review for this game. I'm not the type to make a long ass analysis of a game as a review but I feel like that's the only way I could realistically do the game justice. So I'll just say this:

This game is absolutely one of the best gaming experiences I've had the honor of, well, experiencing.

I'm sure it would be more fun if I were to play it with other people, but alone I found it a bit boring and had a hard time finding reason to come back with the lack of direction and uninteresting gameplay.

The game was absolutely amazing to play. For one the story was great, especially for a nintendo game where the story can be a bit basic (although the Zelda series tends to break this trend). And the gameplay is very well crafted. Same with the world itself, it isn't just big for the sake of being big like many open worlds and has a pretty good amount of content packed into its size. Although a lot of quests tend to fall into boring filler. The atmosphere just takes you in with the amazing music and great art and world design. Looks beautiful and always draws you in.

Overall I'd highly recommend, even if you aren't a big fan of nintendo or open worlds. It has a lot of content tho that content a lot of the time isn't very interesting (I.E. filler quests, the korok seeds, completing the shrines, etc). But despite this it is an amazing experience.

The game is best experienced with friends. Although it is still a fun game at its core singleplayer, it real;y shines with a group

The gameplay is very fun manages to be engaging and simplistic. And the art style is amusing & brimming with personality

A very fun game with a distinct personality. The artstyle and general personality of the game is really fun and very unique which gives the game a really nice level of charm. The gameplay is also really fun but tends to fall in the pit of 'Good enough to keep me engaged but too afraid to actually give me a challenge'. It's fun but doesn't change much and the difficulty is really just a flat line throughout the whole thing.

The open world is neat but way underused. Sure there are some side missions you can do and extra challenges scattered along the way, but for most of the game you'll be following the main story so the map just becomes a pretty back drop. It could have been utilized so much better. Though I have to say it was designed very well. The movement mechanics on its own are already fun, letting you move around the map in any direction with a very fluid motion that is easy to control and get a feel for. And the map is beautifully designed so there is always ways to continue moving and get where you need to go. I almost found myself never using fast travel because of this. The open world makes sense for this game, but I'd have a hard time calling the game actually open world with how linear of an experience it is.

The game is extremely fun and has a charming personality to it, though it could have been a lot more then it is now. It seems a bit afraid to step out of the boundaries it made for itself and could've been a lot better if they tried to make the world feel a bit less empty and gave you more to do. But overall I'd recommend playing it.

This game is fantastic. The gameplay is well made and strangely unique for a stealth game. Like a true ninja, it forces you to commonly rely on your tools. With a good selection of very useful materials at your disposal you can craft your own path to sneak through these decently designed levels. What makes the game more unique in my opinion is it's aspect to drive you away from combat. The game very rarely puts you into a position where combat is the only way out, in fact combat can be very punishing. It is almost impossible to hold your own in a fight, especially when not one to one. And even stealth skills can be hard to pull off and present many different ways in which it can come up to bite you in the ass. Of course killing isn't off the table, but it forces you to find ways to work around the enemies rather then just pushing through them. Elevating its stealth mechanics a lot more then most games.