Story wise this is the worst one since Yakuza 4 but that ending was incredible and almost made up for all the stupid shit that happened. Gameplay wise I'm not much of a fan of the agent at first but I grew to like it a lot more towards the end. And they finally made Kiryu's Dragon Engine moveset from 6 and Kiwami 2 actually feel good to use. Haven't done much of the coliseum but it's fine of what I've played so far.

Just PLEASE after Infinite Wealth let Kiryu rest. I've been ready to move on for years.

Thank you Sega for finally porting this game to PC and consoles after 25 years. Please just give us the option to launch this without going through this shitty ass Japanese GTA game before playing.

Scott Pilgrim The Game Syndrome: When people only put something on a pedestal and really want something because it's inaccessible. When it finally becomes widely available, people immediately stop caring because they realize the game kinda sucks ass.

Still to this day there is no third person shooter to top this in core gameplay 12 years later. Remakes of the first two games are unnecessary and I know for a fact they'll likely not top this mechanically.

Game is really good when you're fighting the robot masters.

Then the game drags on for way too long with the doc robots.

Then the Wily Castle is way too easy.

This game has a strong start but doesn't just not land the finish it blows up in the middle of the flight.

Globalists do not want you to know you can take down Epstein's Island and beat this game in under half an hour and get a refund, essentially doing it for free. Best purchase and refund of my life

Holy shit this game is annoying. Mega Man 1 really isn't that bad once you get passed the jank but this game always felt off no matter how many times I've played it. Also the colors in this game are ugly as shit.

People are saying this game is bad and I'm like what the fuck? This is by far one of the best games in the entire franchise. The graphics and atmosphere are unmatched for almost anything that came out around the time, amazing music, and great controls. Is it because the game is not bullshit hard? The game still feels challenging but at the perfect level unlike 3.

Peak gaming is when you download complete rom lots and play shitty shovelware with your friends.

"Nobody hates Contra, except maybe communists"

-Some YouTuber from a video I watched years ago that I forgot but he's based

Now the Mega Man 2 vs 3 debate would make a lot more sense if this was the final game. 3 truly needed a final cut rerelease and this is just that

This game gives me the same vibe as Yakuza 5 where it's scale is so grand it sometimes gets lost in it. Both games have some of the highest highs in the series but have some messy pacing here and there. But even at their worst you cannot help but admire their ambition. I hope they let Kiryu finally rest because it's time to move on. At most he should only be a side character in future games. Dude deserves nothing but peaceful final years at the orphanage.

I really hate this mindset that preferring the original Yakuza 1 and 2 over the Kiwami remakes is nothing but elitism.

I started playing this franchise when 0 came to PC in 2018. Even with that, I still prefer these versions of the games. These games have a unique grit to them that the Kiwami games do not capture well at all. For Kiwami 1 in particular, it feels more like 0 but worse and with less content more than a remake of this game. Worst part is that Sega is actively treating the Kiwami games as replacements instead of alternatives.

In terms of the game itself I think it mostly holds up well. Even without the ability to change the directions of combos it does not take long to get used to. Story is still entertaining with my only issue being Nishiki's sudden betrayal (the one thing Kiwami objectively did better).

If you can I do recommend starting with this game and the OG Yakuza 2 and go from release order from there, and playing 0 in between 5 and 6. You'll appreciate how the series naturally grows instead of starting with 0 (which is the best game in the series) then following up with the Kiwami games.

Infinite Weath made me believe this game is a complete waste of time. Nothing in this game matters at all. A good final boss and ending does not make up for everything else this game does.