Pretty average JRPG, with an average story. It lacks the charm that the previous games had.


Mental-illness the videogame. Deep, dark but filled with carismatic and emotional characters.

Great adventure, slow and a bit uninteresting start, great ending.

Gameplay is great, fun and fast, with cool characters to play as. The city is cool but lacks some unique places to be excited about.

Vagrant Story is an adventure surrounded by dark, meticulous and intriguing writting and politics. Characters are filled with a lot of shades and complexity as they deepen theirselves in the obscure maze that Lea Monde is.

Gameplay-wise can be rough, since nowadays the game is missing some QoL, but it still has it's charm.

Muy soso este game, y eso que conceptualmente tiene buenas ideas argumentalmente, pero se acaba convirtiendo en un chopo-game.

Los personajes, el mundo y el entramado político con un writting exquisito en los diálogos y escenas hace de Final Fantasy Tactics una de las mejores experiencias dentro de la saga.

Es complejo, apasionante y sus protagonistas están repletos de matices con muchas sorpresas a cada paso de la historia. So Good...

"Esta historia nos comerá vivos, esta historia es un monstruo"