Top 10 Videogames of 2016 [Mastered]

Checking Backlogdd's list of 2016 games, I realize that I have pretty much played every game I was remotely interested in from that year and haven't added any more of them to my backlog ever since, which makes me inclined to put a stamp on 2016 and close it for good as 100% completed.

2016 has progressively become one of my favorite years of gaming of the previous decade, particularly for how much its selection of games seem to have been made specifically for me. Every game I played in 2016 ended up excelling at the kind of stuff that is totally my shit and which makes me come back to videogames for more, be it conveying narrative and tone through interactivity, outstanding presentation and aesthetic, engaging environmental storytelling, or just plain old satisfying and unique game mechanics, and they stayed on my mind long after I was done with them.

Outside of disappointments like Dark Souls 3 and No Man's Sky, games I had been waiting in anticipation for years finally released and exceeded my expectations, and it was a year filled with experimentation and creativity from the indie scene while the big blockbusters were releasing safe and boring experiences. It was a year where I had an absurdly amount of free time, and I'm glad I had the chance to play so many of these games. Even at the chance of finding something else worthwhile from 2016, or even playing games I have some mild interest already, like Deus Ex Mankind Divided or We Know the Devil, I highly doubt they will dethrone these picks, as they all have a special place in my heart.

Honorable Picks: Diaries of a Space Janitor, Darkest Dungeon, Superhot, Oneshot, Witcher 3 - Blood and Wine DLC

Devil Daggers
Devil Daggers
Hyper Light Drifter
Hyper Light Drifter
The Last Guardian
The Last Guardian
Quadrilateral Cowboy
Quadrilateral Cowboy
Sonic Utopia
Sonic Utopia
Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2
The Witness
The Witness


3 years ago

based the last guardian, maybe my fave ueda game

3 years ago

fav will always be SotC, but Last Guardian is a very close 2nd
And then there's me who thinks Ico is the best...

3 years ago

I have no issues with how people wanna distribute the 3, they all are solid picks for me.

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