i fucking love when my game is nothing but visual barf

world 2 vastly improves upon world 1, adding unlockeable pants colors and more diverse level design making the levels feel much less linear compared to world 1.

very fun start to one of the best momentum based platformer series. it is quite short and doesnt have as much to offer compared to the rest of the games but its still a good start.

being one of my first BIG hyperfixations, this series shaped who i am as a person. this game helped me meet my best friend of all time alongside many other people. sentimentality aside its a very fun rhythm game that immensely improves upon the first game with more replayability and more challenge involving getting cool ranks.


the first of many switch games that nintendo completely abandoned after a year

i bought it when it came out and honestly thought it was just alright most of the levels were actually pretty okay until i got further into the game and they just got unbearably annoying

i played this for 20 minutes before realizing this game is normiecore as fuck and uninstalled it

it was a fun little timewaster for 30 minutes

part of this might just be that i dont like how most animal crossing games make me have to play at earlier hours than I'd like but also having played this game when it first came out and looking at it even now it feels like Nintendo dropped this game before it had a chance to become more than it could've. all of the villagers feel less like actual neighbors and more like cookie cutter dolls with 3 lines of dialogue, the way the online works is once again filled with nintendoisms that make it more inconvenient than it needs to be. the new features this game adds are very good but it doesn't make up for the fact that it feels like half of what animal crossing is at its core is missing, and while the crafting is a really fun addition it also just feels very unintuitive at the same time.

the momentum and platforming is very fun and the level design is very good until Arid Canyon Zone then it kinda takes a little bit of a nosedive, the levels afterward range from alright to kinda poopy but i imagine part of it could be a skill issue idk. Arid Canyon Zone just sucks though dont @ me.

EDIT: arid canyon isnt actually as bad as i originally thought i just suck lmao

a cute short n' sweet 3D platformer with fast paced level design. my only issue i had was that i wished that there was more levels but for its price of 1 dollar it is very much worth it and content rich for the price.

this game beats yakuza 6 in best tech demo

imagine losing to a spoiled rich french woman with a cat named salt, or a mexican furry, or a mexican furry with armor or a bear, or another kind of bear, or steve (theres nothing crazy about him really hes just british)

i could not comprehend a single thing that happened during my entire playthrough of this doom wad, i legit felt like i was being labotomized during this whole thing