4 reviews liked by HaykiPlayer

hard to say anything about this game in the wake of all the discourse about it over the past 1.5years. i think many of the twists are effective narratively, the individual stories and character arcs are compelling, the gameplay is excellent, and the graphics/ music/ performances are all stellar. the weakest part of the game for me is the pacing and story structure. maybe i am just a literary wuss who can't appreciate anything besides a basic 3-act structure, but the way the stories of the different characters interwove made for a very uneven experience. the game is also grueling due to its subject matter and its runtime. i don't anticipate that i'll be replaying this game again.

Takes a long while to spin up but it definitely gets there in the end. They could have done with making the first ten hours or so about half as long as they were, and they need better fast travel. I don't mind if it compromises ~your artistic vision~, I don't want to have to run for two minutes to teleport to my next objective!

Combat is slow and boring at first but both move lists and enemy encounters improve in the end. Towards the end I was finally starting to have fights where I felt like I'd managed to completely deny the enemy any chance due to skill and field management, a key in action games. The encounter density also becomes much better; again, going back to the start of the game there was a five hour stretch or so where it felt like everything was really spaced out and it felt like there was a lot more talking than fighting. I'm still not convinced of the equipment system either, aside from a simple "number go up" thing. Some of the later runic attacks are properly good though.

The story works at least reasonably well throughout and there are plenty of good character moments, especially again in the second half. I thought they did a good job with the tone, too, considering the material they were aiming for.

So overall, yeah, I'd give it a 5. If you'd asked me ten hours in it'd have been a 3. From what I've seen from other people's impressions, there are a couple of turning points for them, and it was the second one which worked for me.



Omori, utilizing all of its charismatic world and characters, having lots of fun interactions, while at the same time making a good contrast to the deeper, heavier, and more melancholic themes, becomes a visceral and cute experience ready to cut the heart, scare, challenge, and reflect. Ultilizing of the advantage of a beautiful and creative art direction that has its meaning, assertive palette of colors, great soundtrack with more than 170 ost thought for each part of the game, builds and elaborates its questions and mysteries with surprising conclusions that culminate in the development and deepening of his protagonist, the game talks to the player, putting inside the character and making you feel what is a post traumatic disorder etc ..., becoming a unique experience.
Its only flaw would be that the screenplay presents a notable lack of connectivity, many of the mysteries and elements inserted don't present, or have very little connection with the main plot, making them things that, despite having a good idea, are avulsive.

Objectively: 4.5/5
Subjectively: 5/5

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