My pal got me to play this, as it's free, i've never played the first game, but i've known about generally, that it's sort of a TF2ish thing mixed with WoW design elements.

I'm enjoying the gameplay, it's fun enough, but jesus christ, i think this is the worst battle pass / monetization i think i've ever seen. Makes Fortnite look progressive.

Does to firefighting what time crisis did to shooting people.

You chop boxes with a fireaxe, you put out fires, you see a person to save and a disembodied voice says "SAVE THEM", and then they thank you like a House of the Dead NPC.

Perfect game, no notes.

I'd play way more sports games if they randomly had Heihachi, Xiaoyu, Sophitia and Raphael in them.

This was one of 5 games me and my brother had on the master system as kids.

It's pretty neat, and it wasn't until i saw the movie later on that much of it started making sense to me.

The one thing that never made sense however, was why Keanu Reeves' knife sounded like a chainsaw.

I keep seeing this god-damn thing on digital stores with it's incredible cover, and i was convinced it was a parody. But no, it's a real thing.

I recommend this to anyone interested in Koei's strategy games, it's a load better than their recent three kingdoms entries, and features better gameplay, choice and depth. I've tried this on the PS4 too, and i can recommend that also, plays just fine.

As much as i agree that the quality of the games themselves are mixed to say the least, i still appreciated the high quality of the collection itself, lots of extra content, and generally value for money.

I think there's value in making collections like this, and re-releasing old games, even the less good ones. Just for preservation's sakes.

Played this when i was a kid, and later in life saw R-Type and my first thought was; "Hey, wait a minute, that's Katakis!" only to later find out that Katakis got in some legal trouble over how much of a copy of R-Type it was. Either way, it was pretty good.

My dad owned this for the Amiga 500, and me and my brother played it growing up.

Probably my first encounter with what could be described as a horror game. The soundtrack is genuinely un-nerving, and the encounters with the giant ants were really frightening at the time, especially for how old i was.

I'm sure you had to fight tornadoes in this

Cursed by it's release date, this came out around the same time warcraft 3 did.

It's an extremely cool RTS, with lots of unique gameplay elements like training up your villagers into various units, growing rice and having to water it, drawing water supplies from rivers, pools and wells, capturing wild horses and being able to mount any unit as cavalry. All with a east asian fantasy flair.


God this thing frightened me as a kid

I want to beat this, but i really struggle with the visual filters, and the fact you have to replay levels to unlock a normal, filterless visual option, surely that should be default.

A complete mess. Another bloated, expensive Gen 7 pile of wank. So much money spent just so i can hear John Cleese try to sell me Black hair DLC.

The game is laughably easy, combat pretty much just boils down to pressing one button, with loads of slow-mo kill cam bollocks.

Main villain just kind of pops up out of nowhere, and the final boss is just a sword fight much like every other fight in the game.

The ruling as king section flies by in like 10 minutes or something. And so much of your moral choices boil down to comically stupid things like WILL YOU BURN DOWN THE ORPHANAGE or GIVE PUPPIES TO THE DYING, and ultimately it just comes down to you pressing one button or the other.

The game kinda looks ugly too, so much bloom and light shafts and this weird brown filter over everything. And that stupid god damn sparkly light that tells you where to go that keeps breaking all the time.

Not to mention the worst in game menu ever devised.

A weird, but not bad Age of Empires type RTS where for some reason, the English play very similarly to the Undead in Warcraft 3, namely they have self building structures that they summon from the ground? England basically is a strange netherworld so why not.

More weird stuff includes China crossing into the modern era, and randomly becoming Russia or the UK?

Honestly not that bad though.