This was my first ps1 game. At the time i loved it, and despite my rating, i still sort of do. It blew me away at the time as it was the first game i ever played that featured a full 3D character that you guided through 3D environments, it also had a fighting game element which played to my Tekken love.

However. This game is easily one of the worst out there. It looks very bad, features many reused enemy models, spawn doesn't look right, environments are difficult to discern and show many visual bugs.
The gameplay is a mix of tomb-raider platforming and tekken-ish combat, both are awful. Spawn handles like a car, you have to sort of steer and brake as he moves. The combat is broken, despite simple special move inputs, you find yourself struggling to use them.
It features a jumping section in one of the medieval areas that is so frustrating that i haven't seen footage online of anyone completing it, they all cheat. It took my about 30 minutes to do that jump.
The story is non existent.
The music is pretty good.

Easily the worst Silent Hill game.

I really don't know where to start, it's ugly as hell, and has aged worse than any other title visually. Areas feel repetitive, the otherworlds all look identical, just a mess of spinning fans, grates and pipes, and owing to the action camera, it lacks the visual set pieces that the other games all feature. The human characters have really weird teeth, and some feature GI Joe plastic hair. Enemy design is largely lifted from the movie, and feels lazy and lacking in the usual depth these game's enemies have.

Gameplay wise, it is more action focused, and offers more freedom of movement, however this manages to strip all fear and tension from the experience. Tapping the dodge button makes Alex teabag, and watching a character combat roll in a Silent Hill game is ridiculous. The starter knife weapon is broken, a simple 4 hit combo renders 80% of the games enemies useless. Even with this said, the dodge mechanic doesn't really seem to function properly, i frequently found myself being hit mid dodge, which feels cheap, and enemies pile on attacks far too quickly sometimes. People like to say the out of place combat is fine as he's a soldier, but if you bothered to beat the damn thing you'd know that isn't true.
The game is awfully linear, it often feels like you are being punished for checking extra halls and rooms, enemies jump out and attack in optional areas with no collectables.
The game is replete with repeating animations. Chopping wood planks, cutting open skin-doors, a repeat of a tedious crank turning section involving an npc. Order cultists in movie costumes turn up and attack you with the protag's combat animations, and use rifles which again feel really out of place, while shouting edgy lines at you.

The story is dull af. The twist ending is nearly on the same level as "he woke up and it was all a dream". Characters are shallow and two dimensional, one cop guy spends his time guiding you around an area over walkie talkie like you're playing gears of war or something. Characters nail up missing person posters about 2 seconds away from skinned dogs and crashed police cruisers.
You're supposed to care about the kid brother, but you barely get any time with him besides as an irritating brat who repeats sound effects and lines.
The game features some mass effect style dialogue choices, some involving killing or sparing characters, however sparing characters often leads to their death anyway.

The music is good?

Anyway, a miserable game to play, regretted bothering to beat it, but felt obligated.

The best of the best. There's just something about that control scheme. They just need to port this forward, with some expansion on roster and some online features, and they oculd literally print money.

I don't think you can overstate how awesome it was to get your DS with this bundled in, for some reason a full 3D FPS on the DS was just really damn cool.

If you can look past a slighty clunky combat system, there's something really great and worth experiencing under here.

The whole game has a beautiful atmosphere backed up by a great soundtrack. There were some really great standout areas and dungeons, especially the palace zone, and the valley of the dead. The story suffers from voice acting that was common for the era, but the story itself is really nice, and worth it.

Overall i came out of the whole experience really happy to have played it, i hope this world/style is something Fromsoft revisits in the future.

Probably one of the worst game covers i've ever seen.

I'm sure i'll get attacked for saying it, but i actually enjoyed this less than Blood Omen 2.

The combat is very repetitive, as is the story, which basically sees raziel and kain visiting the same repeated shrine/temple thing with very samey layouts. Neither of them meet too often, which removes opportunities for the two to interact which is where most of the series' strongest scenes come from. instead they just monolgue about art on walls.

The new combat system feels out of place, i go back to the other games and find i just enjoy the more simple realistic quality to this combo based, clunky one.

It does look nice, and any time spent in Nosgoth is a good time. And the story twists when they do eventually hit are very good.

It's kind of insane that this is one of the lowest rated games on here.

Complaining that the visuals are bad, or it feels clunkier than later titles is like watching a silent movie from the 1920s and complaining that there's no sound.

This thing was released jn 1994 when you basically had 3 3D fighting games to choose from. And at the time this was a massive improvement, featuring things that were new at the time that we now take for granted.

Context people, context.

A fantastic and generally underrated game, while it got fairly heavy praise at the time of release you can't help but feel the franchise got left behind a little for no good reason.

It deftly combines a fun story laden with melancholic humor and a cool burtonish atmosphere, the game dodges most of the common level tropes, and gives you a quest through a dark fantasy kingdom.

Great music, great replayability, great vibes.

Honestly not as bad as people make it out to be, great soundtrack, looks alright, nice variety of moves and enemies. Really nails the tone of the F4.

Pokemon meets tenkaichi arena style battles meets micro machines. This thing rocks.

A really perfect example of all the worst elements of the 7th gen of video games.

- Linear cinematic story mode that you'll forget entirely after playing it.
- 3 hours long if that
- poor man's COD aesthetic ( brown, bloom, ironsights )
- heavy online emphasis that quickly becomes abandoned
- celebrity tie in ( red dawn writer )
- dlc, preorder bonuses etc.

I like this one better than TS3, but less than TS2.

Great selection of levels/characters/weapons, including probably the best TS level of them all, Planet X.

While it's missing the story of it's sequels, the time trial element is actually really fun once you commit to it, i initially struggled with it growing up, but returning to it i finally got the knack.

At the time of it's release there was nothing quite like it.

A really great game, but i can't help feel it's the weakest TS game.

While i enjoy the writing, characters and voice acting introduced for the storymode, the variety and time travelling element feels lesser than the other 2 games. While i love the mansion, most of the levels have some war/military style to them. 1/2 gave you a mix of wild west bounty hunting, gangster private investigation, tomb raiding.

The arcade league also feels emptier, I'm certain it has less than 2.

The characters/weapons are fun, but so many feel more obnoxious than before. Gingerbread's little 'HEY!' from 1 is replaced with this annoying af one liner.

The levitating glove thing feels tacked on and pointless, and only one multiplayer level uses a vehicle.

Otherwise the game is still loads of fun, and easy to return to.

A strange game that i got with my ps1 when i was a kid. It's like streets of rage had babies with donkey kong country's pre-rendered 2D/3D character sprites, and then throw in batman forever of course.

The game ranges confusingly in difficulty, if you play fairly normally, the game can get extremely difficult at times, but if you twirl you thumb over the d-pad and press one of the attack buttons, batman/robin will break into a spinning attack that basically kills everyone on screen, and you can cheese your way to the end of the game just about.