A very calm pensive game about the wistful feeling of longing we collectively suffer during the pandemic.

There's a jump scare that felt cheap but otherwise it was a really creepy game that made a very compelling atmosphere.

Gorgeous art and very poignant interview.

Great points for having no chasey monsters

Not as strong as some of oates's other titles, but still deep in atmosphere and a lonely tone that plays its melancholy very well. The bonus ending is quite nice, though requires a little too much work to get, IMO.

The UN has never fully answered for the warcrimes it commits against nations that refuse USA occupation

it's like, a very competent game and plays very well but also it just... sort of keeps dragging on.... and on... ended up feeling burnt out and shelving it for now.

i'm sorry haters my gf was right hotline miami 2 whips

finally found a game that might be too misogynist for me to play

The only criticism I can make about Ghost Trick is that it's very done when it's done. This is barely even a criticism! Every aspect of it is so tightly wrapped up, tied into a perfect knot, with no answers left and every aspect explained. It's like a good whodunnit, and once you know who done it, well, that's sort of it isn't it!

But imagine it's the best whodunnit you've ever read, and it's also an extremely clever point and click adventure with the verbage of a contraption game. Imagine it has the best dog who is the goodest boy and an author pet-insert. No actually, the dog is just the writer's dog, and he's such a good boy.

Try to play it without spoilers because the game has so many plot twists! And they're all so fun, so enjoyable, so delicious! The characters are fun and a delight.

i can't believe Front Mission Evolved hooked me with good chunky mechs and then wiffed it all on extremely bad on-foot sections


one of the most arcadey sword and sorcery doom mods i've played. this is how i wish hexen played. it's got fantastic pixel art and great voice lines all over it. extremely fun