When I was younger I insisted on getting this so that I could play Weird Al songs in it. I haven't played it since 2009.

A mascot horror game that hasn't outstayed its welcome? Tattletail himself is very cute, and definitely helps temper the horror aspect of it all. Played this in one sitting in a hotel room, made for good entertainment for a couple of hours.

The thrill of custom maps and "hey, that's next to XYZ!" for callouts is gone quickly.

The game that fundamentally changed the way I looked at shops and the items within them. What were once items to consume and pay for suddenly became weapons to defend myself against hordes, if that ever happened.

The closest a lad from my country is ever going to get to a 1911.

Yes, I will be that guy. We're going to play Quiplash 3 because another round of Magic the Gathering is going to fucking kill me.

The roster is packed, and the stages are great. Gameplay is tight.

Everyone is here.

I've been playing this for the first time recently, because BotW was always like Skyrim to me - something I felt I should play, but could never be bothered with. I'd start it, get into the open world, then get a bit bored.

While I'm still not anywhere near finished, I do enjoy it. The freedom of approach is nice, but the degradation system does my head in.

The only game my mum can complete and I can't.

"the prolific Racer series"

Yeah, prolifically shit.