I'm assassinating a dude when an archer captain jumps me outta knowhere and kills me. I go to get revenge on him and kill the guy. Eventually I run into him again while i'm trying to kill another dude, this happens over and over until I finally think i've seen the last of him. I'm marching up on the final boss and who do I see leading his army? The fucking archer dude...

More like Arkham SHITE ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

nah actually it's pretty fun and the easiest one in the series to just jump into whenever you feel like it.

The "Die Hard is a Christmas movie" of video games.

Ayyyyy ma boi robin finally getting some recognition

Pretty good for a Lego Batman knockoff

Great atmosphere, fun and innovative gameplay, really makes you FEEL like kid me struggling to make it through a room of the game without taking half an hour.

The most acute distillation of style over substance ever created.

Ever since I saw Spider-man (2002) I wanted to be the guy, this is basically as close as I can get to fulfilling kid me (as well as current me)'s dream.

Do I like this more than insomniacs game? noooooooooo

Are there ways I know insomniacs game could improve now? yessssssss

"I don't wanna play you 'Spider-Man: The movie: The Game'!"

"I wouldn't wanna play me neither!"

"Where'd Spider-Wuss go? Spiiiider Wussss, come out and playyyyyy... this game cause it's awesome."

DON'T play the PC version though, it is broken beyond belief.

Cool to see rapture again I guess...

Shit if being gay is this fun I may have to reconsider some things.

Fun weapons and improved driving don't save it from what feels like a total lack of fun for a lot of it.