9 Reviews liked by Hirothero


Great RPG, very satisfied with the system, music and game balance. The only thing I wish was that the Japanese translation was a little better.

i only played this game because my brother showed me a nickelback AMV and it is now maybe my favourite of all time

The translation is out! Y'know, it really is a magical moment when a game like this finally gets a translation. A game that you love so dearly, one that you consider one of your favorites. Just seeing that opening cutscene with english subtitles, finally being able to understand the intricacies of what was going on. I got a little emotional!

Boku no Natsuyasumi 2, like the first one, is something of a masterpiece, and now is more accessible than ever before. Whoever you are, please play this game. It might just change your life.

Translation can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/92070798

Even if Sword and Shield's DLC was probably the best thing about that game, it was the best part of what I'd consider one of the most sauceless Pokémon games ever put out. Scarlet and Violet on the other hand, I actually really liked, which made me excited to see all the cool things they could do with it post release (if it was just fixing the performance, which they didn't). Unfortunately, I came out of this with another conclusion; the way they make these DLCs just pisses me off.

Let's get the biggest caveat out of the way; when are you even supposed to play this? The level scaling is super fucked up. If you played the base game at all after completing the main quest, there's no way your party isn't totally overleved. Do they expect you to catch new Pokémon and make a party out of those? Sure, I did that. It still doesn't work when things jump 20 levels from one area to another. And it's not like you'll ever grow particularly attached to these fucking nobodies you catch unevolved at level 60 something and use for 4 hours. That was already something I felt about the Gen 8 DLC and it undermines any enjoyment I could have playing this. It's not like these games aren't easy, but even if you use terrible underleved shitmons in any main series game just to make it slightly harder, you'll grow attached to them. That's the magic of Pokémon as a franchise, in my eyes. If I'm either plowing through the games with 0 effort or just catching "some guy" that I form no connection to, it makes me judge the rest of the experience way harder and take it at face value, as I do here.

The structure has been simple enough: provide players with a big area to explore, catch returning and a couple of new Pokémon, play some minigames for rewards, do a little story thing, add competitive QOL features that should have been there in the first place and catch a legendary that's slightly overtuned for OU but not so much that it gets banned immediately.

Kitakami itself is surprisingly big but there's not a lot in terms of landmarks that I'd consider particularly notable besides the FPS dropping crystal lake and some nice, hang-outtable parks. There's really only one "town" with a few NPCs. I'd normally consider that a downside but honestly, with how much they've already retreaded similar Japanese settings, it's not like it's anything we haven't seen or won't see done again in the future. If anything, there was an opportunity to do something closer to Paldea's real life inspiration but whatever. It's alright.

In terms of returning Pokémon selection, YMMV. What gets me is how much of the supposedly "new" Kitakami dex are actually just guys who are in the base game. I completed the Pokédex in the base game because it was fun to do so but here it felt really underwhelming since I already had half of the 200 entries done. 100 is a fine amount for new+returning Pokémon, I suppose.. but if they needed to pad it out THAT badly, it's not like 50 more returning ones couldn't have been crammed in just for the sake of feeling fresher.

Getting competitive Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet was already easy but the biggest complaint has always been how much grinding you needed to do for Tera Shards. Now you can get an item to grind them faster so.. cool? It really should have been like that from the start. Same thing with the new EV resetting mochi. It's not like this is the thing that'll stop players from just hacking in their Pokémon... but it's nice to have.

The story content is decent and about what you'd expect from this generation; teens traumadumping on you for 2 hours and uhh, a legendary is there. The school trip set-up is ridiculous when the only other students present are 3 nobody NPCs with no personality whatsoever, but you're not really meant to think about it. If they brought in the main characters from the base game, they'd steal attention from the new characters so that was the only way they could have done it,IMO. I'm interested at how a certain character's development is going to carry on to the next part of the DLC, which is something they've not attempted before.

I was disappointed by how lacking the photography quest was. Judging by the trailers, I was expecting it to be something like BOTW's or TOTK's Hyrule Compedium feature but nah,just a 10 minute section. That ties nicely into a complaint that'll be completely irrelevant in a few months but I really dislike how they promoted this DLC. Why show so much of the second DLC when you're still announcing the first? It ended up just confusing the fuck out of me in terms of what's were, specially since the second one seems to be the meatier offering. The fact that these two are even sold together comes off as a bit problematic to me because... this isn't worth even half the asking price. But there's a vague plot connection between them now, so "obviously" can't be sold separately.

Overall, it doesn't feel substantial enough on any front. If you're a casual player you'd probably tolerate the content at offer but feel ripped off until the second part eventually comes out, by which point you'll have forgetten everything that happened in this one. If you're a competitive player, you'll probably need to pick this up to make life easier but still feel ripped off because it's just not enough to not learn to pkhex better.

Increíble, magnifico, rompedor, inolvidable, encantador, apasionante, lo nunca visto, sin precedentes, te deja picué, te deja el culo roto, mastodóntico, imprescindible, Nadia guapa

Cosas de las que no te das cuenta cuando eres pequeño: Tolbi es un estado fascista y pocas cosas me cabrean tanto como que tengamos que ayudar al puto Babi a prolongar su dictadura otros 150 años solo porque nos regala un barco.

More streamlined and straightforward than the Nioh games, but satisfying in its own way. The new systems, such as parrying and morale, add great variety to the combat, which is still excellent. I loved the setting, which was a nice change of pace, and I'm glad that Wo Long exists as its own thing. I really hope they make another game in this new IP. My only complaint is that it's too short, but when that's your biggest problem with a game, you know it's a winner.

Buenas ideas, el bucle jugable es interesante,pero peca en el apartado técnico y siguen sin manejar bien este tipo de estructura. De los juegos de Pokémon con los que mejor me lo he pasado.