198 reviews liked by Honest_Gamer

This game advertises itself as a unique puzzle game with an interesting story. What that means in reality is worse candy crush with extra text boxes. The fantasy setting found within this game is extremely generic and uninspired, the story is very bare-bones, and the gameplay is not much better than most mobile games.

The game's combat system often feels somewhat poorly thought out and unfair towards both you and your enemy. Based completely off of luck, whoever gets the first turn in each battle can instantly a significant amount of damage before the enemy can do anything about it at all. Since the puzzle grid used for combat in this game is randomized, it essentially just encourages the player to constantly restart every battle until they get a grid that is favourable to them. Falling blocks are also completely random, so sometimes if your enemy makes a mediocre play the game will just randomly reward them by giving them 20 combos in a row and eliminating half your health bar. You do have the ability level up your attack damage and defence, but this only really slightly lessens the problems with the combat system, rather than fixing them.

Puzzle Quests story is probably one of the most cliche fantasy stories I have ever seen. There is genuinely nothing interesting or unique to be found here. It consists of watching two sprites exchanging extremely boring and basic pieces of dialogue in generic text boxes over and over again. To me it just feels like a marketing gimmick slapped on to a mediocre puzzle game.

I really wanted to like Puzzle Quest because the premise sounded very interesting to me, so its quite a shame how it turned out. I feel like this concept could actually have worked quite well if a bit more effort was put into it, but this game (at least the DS version) stumbles in its execution on nearly every level.

A genuinely garbage game. I hope you don't like momentum because this game does everything in its power to make sure you can never build it up at all costs. Most of the game is dysfunctional because it relies on motion controls that don't work. This is one of the worst games I have ever played.

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This is definitely an... interesting version of Street Fighter IV. Unsurprisingly attempting to do special move inputs on a touch screen is a pretty miserable experience, and a lot of depth is removed from the gameplay due to there only being one button for kicks and one button for punches (the same controls as the GameBoy Street Fighter games). Champion Edition looks pretty choppy in motion, and frequently slows down when both characters on the screen move too much. It doesn't help that the pre-rendered sprites for every character are not very fluidly animated and all look kind of rough. Every character's story has been removed from their arcade mode, so the only thing to really do in this game is play online matches, which as I mentioned before is a bit of a miserable experience due to this games controls. My recommendation is don't play this game if you like fun.

Tetris DX is more than just a colour upgrade of the original GameBoy Tetris. There is now a few extra modes, and an improved profiles/scoreboard feature. Also, the ability to play multiplayer against a cpu has been added, which means you don't need a link cable to even think about touching VS gameplay anymore. Of course the game still does look a good bit better with colour added in. Overall it's still a pretty simple little Tetris game, but definitely an upgrade over the extremely bare-bones original GameBoy Title. Unfortunately however, despite it being an objectively better game in almost every way, they just had to remove the original Tetris theme, so I still prefer the original.

After trying to chip away at this game for years, I finally gave up trying to beat it legitimately and may have slightly abused the 3DS virtual console save state feature to complete it. I have to say that in its vanilla state I think this game is absolutely awful. Just a horrible experience all around. Every room has some unfair enemy that's impossible to predict or some projectile that comes flying in from off screen to ruin your day, even more so than the NES Megaman games. Some people may enjoy that but it's really not my thing. However, with the 3DS save state feature I actually quite enjoyed the game. It became an experience somewhat similar to Celeste, where sometimes the challenges you face can seem absurdly difficult, but the game is very generous with checkpoints and gives you many opportunities to improve. On its own this game offers you no time to improve. Did you die three times? Well have fun completely restarting the entire game and going through every single infuriating level again. With save states you can master every room at your own pace and feel good about yourself if you manage to complete a level perfectly. It also stops the game from being artificially inflated to several hours long when it really should only be a one to two hour game based on the content it contains. Essentially had I not played this on Virtual Console, I probably would have rated Megaman 2 significantly lower than I have, but I actually quite enjoyed it the way I chose to play it.

Also this game’s soundtrack is awesome.

Back at it again with cinema. We once again travel in the luxurious adventure against the evil with the badass jumbo josh queefing scene he does at the end of the game. We are waiting for more and more and each time gaming keeps getting saved. Phil spencer and geoff will die for their sins in 2 years 4 months 11 days and 16 minutes in counting.

Great roster of cars amazing customization, the playlists were all entertaining and had a lot of variety to them, the island of Hawaii was a great choice for a map, however this game feels like it’s missing something

Very cool simulation game, not my cup of tea tho

Good looking game,plays well many different worlds many different bosses just not my cup of tea