Mobages Ranked

I spent too much time playing these and it makes me feel bad.

Last Origin
Last Origin
How can you make such a repulsive game just on visuals alone. Everything is just too much.
Fire Emblem Heroes
Fire Emblem Heroes
I just fucking hate this game LOL
Disgaea RPG
Disgaea RPG
Tower of Saviors
Tower of Saviors
PAD Clone but still good.
Destiny Child
Destiny Child
I don't even know what to say. I just don't like it.
Senran Kagura: New Link
Senran Kagura: New Link
I really only played because I like the series. The game is alright for the most part. Nothing outstandingly bad, just a bit bland.
Fate/Grand Order
Fate/Grand Order
Everything about FGO is cool except the gameplay.
Monster Strike
Monster Strike
Great fun with friends, horrible to do Co-op play as a gaijin. Seriously, why do you need a separate app for Co-op?
Girls' Frontline: Neural Cloud
Azur Lane
Azur Lane
Azur Lane doesn't exist. I just read the stories and fuck off.
Epic Seven
Epic Seven
PVP is fun if you like stupid minmaxxing bullshit i guess
Crash Fever
Crash Fever
Didn't play a lot of it but I still enjoyed my time.
Puzzle & Dragons
Puzzle & Dragons
It was just fucking fun.
Girls' Frontline
Girls' Frontline
Personal Favorite of the bunch but is hampered down by questionable game design.
Goddess of Victory: Nikke
Goddess of Victory: Nikke
I cannot take Korean Mobages seriously.
Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Honestly, this game just hits a lot of notes for me. Characters, Setting, Gameplay, it's all there.
Dragalia Lost
Dragalia Lost
Great aesthetics and gameplay. Story is cool. Co-op is fun. The game was a little too hardcore at the start.
Blue Archive
Blue Archive
Blue Archive is just gun princess connect. That means it's pretty darn good.
The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls - Starlight Stage
The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls - Starlight Stage
It's just a music game with dancing and the occasional cool MV. Nothing too special but still enjoyable
I simply quit because I got bored, I still enjoyed my time thoroughly.
Punishing: Gray Raven
Punishing: Gray Raven
The Idolmaster: Shiny Colors
The Idolmaster: Shiny Colors
(does this even count)
Shiny Colors has some of my favorite types of stories and it plays well to its strengths.
Guardian Tales
Guardian Tales
This game would be better as a normal game. I would still be playing it.


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