Absolute classic, ideal if you want a first horror experience for a kid.

The music is so good that even if there's only like 2 songs they never get old. The gameplay is fun though irritating, I figured out that the best way to play is to just go back to a previous save when something bad happens, but then my kingdom was split between my heirs, it was very annoying. The memes are also good.

To me this is the worst entry by far. It was so boring and repetitive that it took me months to finish. I don't like the new characters at all. The concept of the story is fine and I like some of its execution.

I was also mad when I realized that Isabela (One of the most promising characters) existed, because it was after I finished the whole game. The reason why is that you have to enter the bar in a very specific window of time for no reason, and if you don't, you don't get to even know she exists. It's so stupid.

The Sims but complete bullshit, including waiting for your Sims to do things in real time (If they go to sleep you can't do anything else for 8 hours), collecting money by clicking on buildings, and having to unlock the most basic things like the ability to get married.


A short and sweet puzzle game with some of the greatest art and atmosphere of all time. That spider do be creepy.

This is a very weird game in the trilogy, because it is basically all a side quest that doesn't matter that much, and makes your Mass Effect 1 decisions kind of irrelevant, and even more, the main story only has like 3 missions, so most of the missions are in itself side quests, mostly specific missions with each companion when you get to know them better.

And to me, the non-scripted deaths of this game are much worse than the scripted deaths of Mass Effect 1 and 3 as well, maybe I'm biased because the only character that died during my playthrough was by coincidence the one that I was in a romance with and it felt really anticlimatic and stupid.

I'm just shitting on the game because everyone loves it, and with a reason. All of this could have been the death of the game, but in fact the slow burn and the amount of player control that you get makes you feel super comfy and invested in what's going on. You get to know the characters slowly and by the end you are more hooked to the universe and conflict than ever before.

Indie Game: The Movie (2012) made me appreciate this more. It's a very unique platformer but the gameplay is just irritating to me.

There's many reasons why everyone loves this game, it's big, it has a great script, great story, great characters, and things that the sequels lack: bonkers magic system, strategy, completely different story outcomes depending on your actions, and choices that feel unique instead of "be good, be bad, or be funny."

If I could just romance Oghren it would be perfect, therefore Inquisition is better.

Similar to 5, but the castle is smaller and with less secrets. Instead it focuses on 3 full realized minigames: duels, Quidditch, and potion crafting. And holy shit, crafting potions is the best thing in the whole wide world, so fun. You can delete the rest of the game. Now there's a game called Potion Craft (2021), I need to play that shit.

People have strong opinions about this game, I don't even know how I feel about it, we are all traumatized.

Even as someone that has played it from time to time for 10 freaking years, I still can't get used to some mechanics like farming and ganking, and the community is filled with people yelling to each other, and it makes me feel bad. I like playing Anivia, Malzahar, Sona, Teemo, and such, but I hope I never come back.

It's a solid and nice looking, I like the addition of boss fights. However, I'm not sure if it's a worthy sequel to the original. I could never beat the original, and this one was way too easy.

The gameplay was fine, you got to customize your car and shit, but you only get to play in a boring city instead of being able to drive in a forest or something more entertaining.

I also encountered here one of the biggest bugs of my gaming career, as the ground often dissapeared, and I was stuck in an endless void. I didn't play it for long.

A pretty great undertaking: recreating a giant version of the movie version of the castle. The characters are also adapted from the films and there's a ton of secrets to uncover if you want to get to 100%, which takes a long while (I don't think I managed it). Otherwise there's nothing super interesting going on, the story bits are actually short and way too easy.

Hi, this is my only experience with the entire Jackass franchise so far, I bought it as a teen because my friend was into it. It consists of a ton of minigames, some are pretty fun, including one where you roll down a hill getting slowly mutilated on the way down. It's fun to play with friends.

This is the version that I played. Apparently the original version was even worse. This fixes bugs, there's new textures and better translations and shit, but it's still a boring game.