This one is a bit of a mixed bag.

Increasingly better roster and gameplay as usual, but it has no team mode (or whatever it's called) which was the most fun way to play offline with friends. The ladders and endings suck. The story mode sucks. And the final boss is a character from another game, so stupid.

I can beat anyone with Bob though. He looks so cute with the floral shirt. I'm not getting the next one if he's not in it.

I had a weird bug and I couldn't continue playing it after a bit, but I had fun building crazy bridges for a while.

On the one hand, this adds some of the best characters in the game (Tanya, Bo'Rai Cho), on the other hand, it comes with annoying crossover characters that ruin the immersion. So yeah, as a "definitive version" it's a mix bag.

I only had it installed on my PC for like 2 days because my PC can't run this shit, the gaming industry is clasist. This was an attempt to give the franchise some freshness with the new gen characters, and there's some good 3D era love compared to the other games in the trilogy (Tanya and Bo'Rai Cho are the best), and I truly appreciate the abundance of facial hair (everyone gets a beard!).

However, many aspects of it don't work for me. The storymode is bad as always, it feels like a low tier Marvel movie. It goes for a "realistic" aesthetic with brown and ununspired designs. There's only a few designs that look good, like Kenshi, most of the characters look ugly (Ermac in particular). I don't like the variation system as a concept, and I hate that it changes the way that characters look, making the already ugly designs even uglier.

Fun, simple and animalistic. It makes you see the good and (mostly) the selfishness and humans and in nature as a whole. The best part is where you make a friend and you give them all your balls, if they notice that you were trying to be nice and it wasn't a war strategy. Socializing is hard.

This is the one that ends with a guy riding a dinosaur which he orders to kill things by pointing at them like in the Jurassic World Trilogy? Good stuff. I think there's a fancy party too, and you have to hunt for some animals in the forest. I actually remember something about Dragon Age 2? Shocking. This might be at least decent then.

I don't even remember this guy's name or anything about him but he was one of my favourite companions in Dragon Age 2. This is only because all the companions in Dragon Age 2 suck, except for the redhead girl.

I don't remember anything about this except for the final battle with the final boss of Dragon Age 3, a character no one gives a shit about.

More of the same, a bit more disturbing with the sexual stuff, which is a good thing in a horror game.

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I didn't think this was top tier Telltale, I'm sorry. The artstyle is cute, but the story and characters never grip me. They also fake kill an important character early on and you're like "holy shit I wasn't expecting that" and immediately after they tell you it was a clone or something. I never cared about the story after that happened.

Oh, my. The game was released in such a mediocre state (no pools, no ghosts, no toddlers, no body hair), but the patches have helped a lot, and I do think I would have fun even if I only had the base game, even though I hope I never go through that again.

It has the best create a sim by far (the only major thing missing is a height slider), to the point where I could never bring myself to switch to a previous game, even though many argue that the second and or third game are superior. I don't think live mode is that bad, honestly, I enjoy myself creating stories and following challenges. I am not much of a builder, but obviously the build mode is fantastic.

It's 2023 and apparently we might be getting thieves soon, come on, they were the most iconic part of the first game.

I played it for 5 minutes with a friend, just as God intended.

As someone who has only seen a couple episodes of the show, this was a pretty fun RPG with hilarious jokes that rewards exploration. The fighting is not that fun though.

This one was simply annoying, none of the changes work. The hiding mask is OK I guess.