This game is basically my high school experience. Mp3 player with edgy music as people pass by you, emotionless and not giving a single fuck. This game was made for me.

The last great of the Rider games

God this is a trainwreck of feels T_T

The best kind of bad game you'll ever play and enjoy it a lot.

I'm sorry but what the fuck am I looking at?

Nostalgia hitting you like a truck

This hits my love for space games all the way

Same shit as the first game but Tychus is one of those gay awakenings.

Sam is another one of those gay awakenings for me.

Why did they nerf the stealth to something so baby like, at least the story is nice

Raidou is one of the best things to have happened to SMT

Creative story but it's short (Galahad is super hot)