At least the hot guys are back and why is a female the lead again? And WHY ARE CHOICES A THING?
Side Note: Post Accident JD is peak design chefs kiss

Geraldo invades your house, steals your wife, kids and life, while hating portals.
Also Gaunter is peak character.

Is it too late to say that this is one of those games where a gay awakening can happen? (I blame Venom)

I have a major crush on Erend, Rost and Aratak.

Charlie's Angels in anime form.
This game is actually pretty fun, people are just dumb and don't see that.

Are the devs gay or something? They made the guys so fucking hot lmao

I knew those Amala Terminals from Nocturne were evil.

Supernatural Resident Evil and I'm ok with that also soundtrack is a banger.

The craziest of the PS2 games right next with Up Your Arsenal

The absolute best and peak Ratchet & Clank of the PS3 games.
Space Exploration is some of the best shit ever and I LOVE the radio music.