9 reviews liked by Hyuka

beautiful visuals, gorgeous story characters and themes, and the most immersive game i've ever played

I've been playing this game for a long time, but I finally can say that I've completed it. There's still some more to do, I've gotta decorate and finish setting up my money production. I thought completing it would be a burden off of my shoulders, and it was to an extent, but it actually left me with a strange mix of melancholy, longing, appreciation, satisfaction, and happiness as I soaked in the beautiful scenery with Penny. I've never felt anything quite like this in a game... it was magical.

god, I love metro so much, I wish черные were real (2)

I feel a little bit bad for enjoying Papers, Please. Immigration, at least from my understanding, is nowhere near a fun process, and in nearly every other aspect of the game, that idea is captured well. From the drab color palette to the minimalist sound design, the game has an incredibly heavy atmosphere… But dammit, I can’t help it. Cross-referencing increasing quantities of paperwork as your main gameplay mechanic should be tedious, but once you get a feel for how it works, you realize that there’s a certain rhythm to it, and it actually becomes fun.

Sort of on that note but largely unrelated, I was hoping for more emphasis to be put on the actual people whose passports you’re reviewing. There were a couple of exceptions—the characters related to the token sidequests were all great, especially Jorji, who I was consistently rooting for to get his paperwork in order—but largely the game is lacking in the sort of interpersonal moral dilemmas that it’s premise would otherwise indicate. In choosing to tackle broader strokes themes, it loses out on the potential to tell more emotionally compelling stories, which is what I think holds it back from being an all-timer for me in terms of narrative-driven indie games.

Also, this is maybe a little petty, but I’m not sure why they bothered with including twenty different endings when there are really only three and a half endings and the rest are glorified failstates. It gives the impression that the player’s choices are more impactful than they actually are.

Idfk how my friend broke his whole ass computer from playing this game but he did.

love this game although i never really do shit, i just drive around, often through shit. same as forza 3.

Unfortunately I don't have a PlayStation so I can't play this BUT last year my brother had his PS4 at my house for like a month and I think I got over 80% cause I spent all day every day playing it. This is probably my favourite game of all-time, you really feel like Spider-Man. The web-swinging in this game is probably the most fun thing in any video game ever. The story is also great, which I didn't really realise until I finished the story and then felt super disappointed and sad that the story was over. The Miles and MJ levels are quite boring but they're not terrible and the perfection that is the rest of the game make it worth it. Masterpiece.

Started playing this game with a few buddies. We would run around, do quests for ~8 hours. We noticed that everything we encountered had no threat to us. Bosses could not really damage us in any meaningful way, and the game allowed us to easily progress by just spamming our attacks, tanking it all.

Upon asking some players in the chat "what the deal is", we quickly found out that the game does not start until after you hit max lvl. At this point some offered to boost us, which would only take a couple of hours, or we could grind for about 90 hours. At this point we logged off and played something else.

We spend the overwhelming majority of the time playing this game holding the W key, walking to our objective. When we arrived we got to mash buttons for a short while, before walking again. Overall not worth it, and from what I have seen later gameplay mostly revolves around AFK-farming.