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3 days ago

IWillEnjoyIt finished Swollen to Bursting Until I am Disappearing on Purpose
Very personal and surreal, somber and bittersweet. Glad to see RPGmaker games like this still coming out.

3 days ago

IWillEnjoyIt finished Brush Burial
I really appreciated this game's visuals and atmosphere, and the first act was really fun to explore. Sneakin', stabbin', stealin'. Very fun time there.

The second act was really rough as it's based around a really layered and obtuse puzzle with no combat. I enjoyed picking apart the puzzle and meeting it on its own terms, but I imagine most people would be really put off by such a dense puzzle in the middle of a shorter indie game.

I really liked Brush Burial, rough bits and all. I look forward to seeing what the dev puts out next.

4 days ago

IWillEnjoyIt finished Buckshot Roulette
This game's sense of style and impact is crazy. Extremely my shit. Wish the game was more substantial but what is there is replayable as hell.

5 days ago

5 days ago

IWillEnjoyIt commented on ChipCheezum's review of Yakuza 0
Comparing Kiryu to Snake reminds me, I remember when this game first came out all of the online MGS fans happily jumped ship over to Yakuza (myself included!). It's like Yakuza 0 was there to catch MGS fans after Kojima left Konami.

5 days ago

IWillEnjoyIt is now playing Brush Burial

5 days ago

IWillEnjoyIt finished Hellbound
I got this game for 3 bucks as part of a Fanatical "easter egg" mystery code promo. It's... fine? It's fine. I had to laugh at the game's undeserved sense of bravado, like "FUCK YEAH, 90s FPS GAMES ARE BACK!!!" 90s FPS games have been back for quite some time. "THIS GAME MIGHT BE TOO HARDCORE FOR BABY MODERN GAMERS..." It was actually pretty easy.

All that said, I think there's a level of competence and sincerity here that you can't take for granted now that there are a million boomer shooters to pick from. It's definitely not worth the full asking price of 15 bucks, but for three bucks it was a pleasant surprise. The shooting feels good, the movement feels good, the music is decent, the dialogue for the hero is endearingly cheesy (they LOVE saying motherfucker in this game), all-around the game gets the job done. A store-brand candy bar of a video game.

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago

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