11 reviews liked by IWillEnjoyIt

I think my brain has a problem.

Everytime I think about this game or say it's name outloud I always misread the name as "Backshot Roulette" instead of it's real name. It started off as a joke one of my friends said and now it's the just the name of the game in my mind, it's gotten so bad that now most of my friend group also just call it Backshot Roulette and now I think one of my friends wants to fuck the Dealer! please send help I think me and my friend group have been infected by the woke mind virus!!!!

Oh yeah umm game really fun, love the visual aesthetic and the Dealer has the perfect blend of charming and creepy that you'd want from a game like this. Overall really solid and great all around.

I'm both annoyed that it took me so long to get into this franchise, but also glad that this is the game that I started with. Yakuza 0 is a perfect starting point, especially with how the remakes of 1 and 2 incorporated new elements from 0 into them to make the prequel game feel more natural.

Yakuza is what the later Saints Row games wish they could be. It nails the delicate balance of a mostly serious crime story with over-the-top action and extremely wacky side stuff.

Kiryu is one of the greatest game protagonists of all time. He's up there with Solid Snake.

I prefer Problem Sleuth because Hussie actually gave it an ending.

My immediate thoughts after finishing it: this game is insane. And I mean that positively. This game is what I'd point to as an argument that making the FF7 Remake project more than one game is a good choice. The size of the game, the variety, and the huge world map with tons of distinct, extremely detailed towns and locales is not something that could have been accomplished if they adapted all of FF7 in a single title. FF7 Remake adapting only Midgar built an extremely solid foundation for the future Remake titles. Like this game was made in about 4 years. 4 years!

The changes to the combat are great, the soundtrack is killer, sidequests have been massively improved, and a lot of the writing is really good. There are lots of additions and tweaks to the OG's story that just make more sense, are more interesting, and make the world feel more alive. The biggest hits when it comes to writing are all of the character moments and interactions between the main party. Also this game is extremely funny. Like the hit ratio for humor in this game is extremely high with only one or two jokes being grating or not landing.

This game also embraces the spirit of the OG FF7: it feels like every single idea, no matter how insane, made it into the final game. And just like the OG, Rebirth frequently switches tones on a dime.

I still need to think a lot more about the ending. I like a lot of it, but I need to mull over a lot of scenes to come to a better conclusion. I am very interested how they wrap this series up in the final game.

I have no super major complaints, but there are a decent amount of small issues that add up. I'm curious if any of these will ever get patched or smoothed out in an updated version of the game that comes out on PC or PS6 or whatever.

The most glaring issue is traversal. The button you hold down to automatically climb and jump is functional, but it doesn't feel good. The animations are very weak and really stick out like a sore thumb when so much of this game has really great animations.

Other than that, I think there are a handful of scenes with slow walking that go on too long. The distance you need to cover is too much for how slow you walk and it breaks the pacing at some points. Especially near the end of the Nibelheim flashback. There are also some graphical issues. Just like in Remake the devs are using texture atlases here to save on draw calls and increase performance. That means, however, that a lot of random objects with very low resolution textures can be found sitting next to assets that have razor sharp textures. Lighting also took a hit since they don't seem to be using baked lighting due to the world being so much larger. I hope a few of these things can be ironed out a little bit over time.

Anyway, that's FF7 Rebirth. It's pretty incredible how well they pulled off most things in this, and I'm looking forward to my eventual hard mode playthrough.

A game that sucked me in straight away, and I really enjoyed its gameplay loop of exploring, fishing, upgrading. The day/night cycle is cool too, I really started to sweat every day around 6pm as the day grew darker and I knew night was approaching, and all the dangers unseen. And heck, just cruising around in your boat is pretty relaxing in itself.

But at about the 10 hour mark, when I had explored pretty much the entire map and found all the docks, I found that all my remaining quests were just simple boring, quite grindy fetch quests. Some random guy in a robe on an island says "Catch this fish/crab and bring it to me". OK, so I have to find where this fish is at on the map, if its in your encyclopaedia cool that helps, if not its basically a time consuming game of chance. Oh I found it finally, oh shit don't have the right rod to catch it though. Gotta go to a dock and research it. Oh I don't have any research tools, ok now I gotta go find some of them (more time consuming), now i can research the rod. Oh shit i don't have enough money to buy it, now i gotta go fish for a few days to get the money. more time consuming. Ok ive bought the rod, now i gotta go find the fish again. Ok ive finally caught the damn fish, return to the NPC. His reward, some book that gives me a 5% discount at stores. Hmmm.

It was at this point, I was like, as much as I enjoy the game, the quests suck, there's really no story to speak of, and im kinda just over the grindy boring fetch quests. Im still undecided if ill finish it or not. I just wish it had more of a story to keep me playing.

An absolute shitpost I adore
Really fun fishing minigame
As a fan of undertale, a beginner in touhou and a the Simpsons fan (as well as many other aspects) this game almost feels catered towards me so there's definitely some bias from myself. But yeah, some dumbass fun, prison segment was probably the most fun imo

Despite everything it's still you?

Undertale 2 is a game that feels like a group of friends took turns suggesting goofy ideas for the dev to put in and they didn't turn down a single one.

The presentation of UnderTale 2 is similar to An Untitled Story. It shares the same jagged pixelated line style as Untitled Story, because everything looking like it was pulled out of early 2000s MS Paint. Most likely the game was probably made in GIMP/photoshop with the smoothing turned off, which is how Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff did those comics back in the day.

It achieves an eclectic presentation on the visuals, characters are drawn in various styles, but most of them are cute or at least charmingly goofy. It's also got a presentation I could describe as "eh fuck it" some characters for the sake of a joke will feature very scratchy outlines, some of their colors won't be filled in, it is worth a laugh. I enjoyed the visuals as everyone looked silly and that's something I as a deeply depressed person needed.

So you load up the game, it looking like a sprite comic made by a person with too much unfettered access to the internet as a child (like the rest of us) and you hear the soundtrack, 90 percent of the track listings are Mario Paint covers of classic video game tracks, along with various TV show themes like The Simpsons. There are some original tracks featured in the game, specifically the "Relaxation Beach" where you go to fight optional characters that are much more difficult than the standard enemy fare.

So you hear all of the cats meowing and horns blaring familiar tunes and maybe you've already turned off the game due to the game's visuals, but if you went through you'll find a very standard RPG maker game, but there's a few flourishes the creator of the game put in for spice!

For one, to distinct itself from it's parody source, Undertale 2 is a game where you battle, and you battle to win. There are a few instances where you can bore the enemy, talk them out of battling, but this is a trap. You will get to the bosses of the game and they will NOT yield. You will have to fight them, and you have to have attained enough xp to tank them.

Along with the focus on fighting rather than sparing, there's a fishing mini game that despite how simple they made it sound in the tutorial, my line kept snapping so I gave up with fishing. This RPG Maker free game also has different instances where the game will pop up a cutscene, or a cutaway bit of gameplay for another character that joins your party. Many instances of strange inclusions and cutaways, sometimes when you're just in the middle of walking across the screen.

Oh how could I have forgotten recapping the story! Oh silly me! The story is a human that isn't Frisk falls down into Undertale 2 where everything is a parody of Undertale 2 and as many references you can cram in there (some very obvious references are Touhou, Hatsune Miku, The Simpsons, and Travis Touchdown is in the game and is one of the hardest bosses in the game, so I give an extra half star for that easy.) You're trying to...uh...alright I finished the game early in the morning instead of sleeping and I still don't remember the actual initial point of the game's rambling journey.

Let me try to go back to looking at the game play: it's RPG maker with very basic turn based combat, but there's different interactions you can achieve by using moves on your own party members, unlocking new attacks to choose from! That part of the game play is for sure the most noteworthy, as early game before you unlock the cooperation moves, you're generally mashing whatever the Action button you mapped is on your keyboard until you get to...Somewhere around the Toriel's Archives.

I enjoyed this game, it had some cute art, some jokes were funny, had my man Travis Touchdown beat my ass for about an hour, but it does wear out it's welcome after the point you suck yourself in to "I have to finish this game now" mindset.

Anyhoo, it's free, and really despite how much I tried to touch on aspects of the game (visuals, sounds, gameplay, humor) you'll know whether or not you'll enjoy it by looking at the cover of the thing.

I did enjoy it, can't wait for Undertale 3: The Quest for some Devil May Cry cameos! Hopefully should the dev come back to this silly parody game, they work to shave off some of the bloat as not every idea from your friends in discord need to be included in your game! You can always put some of those ideas in the sequel!

This games Demo got me into the entire series and I've now played this entire game 5 times

An absolutely wild game. I haven't touched it since I did a let's play of it back in 2009, but I really need to go back to it to see how the plot hits now. There's a lot of interesting themes in there that I really want to chew on again. Also Mask de Smith headbutts a speeding bullet.

The entire soundtrack is incredible, but shoutout especially to the music that plays on the stairs.

One of the best out there. This game is the beginning of the golden age of Final Fantasy, in my opinion. Huge, ambitious, full of variety. The various set pieces and minigames here feel like the blueprint for FF7's insane variety of minigames.