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Time Played

287h 0m

Days in Journal

6 days

Last played

October 3, 2023

First played

August 11, 2020

Platforms Played


Huge amounts of adrenaline, anger, almost non-stop action with a little bit of platforming, weapon switching, complex and challenging gameplay and, of course, a lot of Ripping and Tearing. All of this hearing a solid metal soundtrack.
That pretty much resumes Doom Eternal's experience.
Doom 4 = Doom (2016)... just saying.

-The Campaign

The campaign here have much more variety and a different pacing from Doom(2016). We have different stages like Earth, Hell, Exultia, Urdak, etc. With an amazing level design with verticality and movement options like the new Monkey Bars. With a big variety of different demons, each one with their own strenghts and weaknesses: flying demons like the Cacodemon and the Pain Elemental are really vulnerable to the ballista, and the Cacodemon can be put into a glory kill state if you throw a grenade/Sticky Bomb from the shotgun on his mouth; Arachnatron, Mancubus and Revenant can have their main weapons destroyed with enough damage; shields can be exploded with plasma rifle; the Tyrant... just shoot it until it dies. The weaknesses are incentive to use different combinations of weapons, but you can always play in your way and ignore the weak points. All the weapons have their pros and cons, it's up to you on how you gonna use them.

There is also the secrets and collectables, completely improved from the previous game. Almost all the demons have their own Toy; you can find upgrades; secret encounters and also the new Slayer Gates, these are new confrontations from gore nests. With the Slayer Gates, you need to find a key to enter the gate, beat the Gore Nest's level and you will win Empyrean keys that you can use to unlock a new baddass weapon that is as strong, if not stronger, than the BFG, if you know how to use it.

Something I need to adress is about the pacing of the game in comparison to Doom 4. In Doom Eternal we see some little platform sections, some of them seems like it came right away from Bowser's castle, while on Doom 4 is mostly action behind action, almost non stop. If you liked or not the pacing, is really subjective. Doom 4 have a stable rising pacing, that can maybe become boring because it's only rising and Doom Eternal have a lot of falling and rising on it's pacing, where the low parts of the pacing can feel really unecessary and boring. I myself prefer the falling and huge rising on Doom Eternal's pacing, the platforms sections aren't really a problem for me.

At the last, but not least, we have the Master Levels. That are, basically, the campaign levels but MUCH harder. With more and stronger demons and with all upgrades and weapons unlocked. Is chaotic, hard and really fun. But we only have a few of them, some are exclusive to special editions.

-The Soundtrack

The soundtrack... is Doom Soundtrack, I don't have much to say. Is metal, adaptative, is amazing. Mick Gordon did an amazing job, really sad that he is out of the team.
Still it seems like the soundtrack is in the good hands of Andrew Hulshut and David Levy that made Ancient Gods DLC's soundtracks.

Some Songs:

Meathook(Mick Gordon)
Blood Swamps(Andrew Hulshut)
Immora(David Levy)

-The Story

The story is just enough... for Doom. It actually have more cutscenes than the previous. Honestly I don't even remember the majority of the plot, except the epic moments.

The Lore otherwise is really expansive. If throughout the game you become interested on the elements of the story, the characters and locations, you can go to the menu and read from the Codex Entries you can find on the maps, they have a lot of information to become invested about it. If you are not interested, you can just ignore it.

-The Multiplayer

Different from Doom 4 with a pretty normal 4v4 Arena Deathmatch multiplayer based on modern shooters's multiplayers, with loadouts and everything. On Eternal we have a Slayer VS Demons deathmatch with 2 Demons players, map demons and also demons that the players can summon. Each round each team can make one upgrade with the third upgrade being special like for example summoning a Baron or the BFG.

Unfortunatly it can be seem as a wasted potential, because it would be so good if they made an actual Arena Shooter like the old ones.

Also something I really liked is the Battle Pass. BUT, different from other games that you need to buy the Battle Pass to get the items, in Doom Eternal you have to... actually play the game. You unlock new items leveling up and is really easy, the game have week challenges that give tons of XP and are a incentive to continue to play both the Campaign levels and the Multiplayer.

-The Gameplay

Now the gameplay is of course the focus on this and it doesn't dissapoint with it's fast-paced FPS style. Some weapons have new alternative fire modes like the Plasma Rifle with the Microwave Beam and the Chaingun with the new Shield. Now all the alternative fire modes really have their own strengths, all of them are viable even if it's situational: The Microwave Beam seens inferior but you can use to stun a enemy on place, the Full Auto from the Shotgun makes you slow but does a lot of damage and recovers shells, amount of shells depends on the demon; etc.
The movement is improved and make Doom 4 seems slow in comparison. You now have two dashes that you can upgrade to recover faster, Monkey bars that make you swing through the arena and the awesome new Grappling Hook on the Super Shotgun that you can use to just pull yourself to the demon or to fly through the level if used right, you also have Double Jump at the start.
Also the new "gadgets" Ice Bomb, that freezes demons, and the Flame Belch that gives armor when you hit a demon. Each one with their own upgrades.
Is even really hard to remember EVERYTHING you can do on this game, which maybe can be conciderated as a flaw by the way.
.The Skill Gap

In games, especially action based games, we have the Skill Floor and Skill Ceiling.

The Skill Floor is the normal/average skill that the players achieve on the game, normally seen as the "casual" mass.
The Skill Ceiling is where the mastery of the games is, where players that really invest their time on the game to learn new techs and most eficient ways to play, normally seen as the "hardcore" mass.

Doom Eternal has both a high Skill Floor and even higher Skill Ceiling. This can turn a lot of players off, especially the "casual" mass. That is actually one of the criticism of why Doom 4 is better, because it just feel better and easier compared to Eternal. On Doom 4 you can play on any way basically right away from the start, while on Doom Eternal you have to, at least, understand the basics and the advanced tricks of the game like weapon switching, mobility, demons's weaknesses, etc. Doom Eternal, as I said, also have a overwhelming amount of information to remember like: Health, Armor, Ammo, that is much more scarce on this game; Flame Belch, Grenades, Ice Bomb, Dashes AND Chainsaw, all of these with Countdowns.
It can feel really overwhelming to some players. Still is subjective, I myself think that it is overwhelming but is still manageble and worth the fun and the power fantasy.


I had the most fun, high adrenaline and the best arcade experience with Doom Eternal. Also something that I don't see much people talking about is how arcady the things are on this game, for example on Doom 4 you found weapons being held by a corpse, on a case, etc; on Eternal, some of them, you just find floating with a glowing green color; the fact that when you put the demons on fire and explode them it just, literally, start popping green armor pieces and there is also the Monkey Bars that are really funny. I found this to be kinda "charming", we need more games that actually fell like a GAME.

About the tons of information the player needs to manage in this game, is hard, really hard. I can understand why some people felt off about this game. If you don't like the amount of things you have to think about, I recommend Doom(2016) for you. If not, get Eternal NOW.

Doom Eternal was one of the best games I ever played. Is just action, anger, Ripping and Tearing, you guys know. I completely recommend this game especially to people that like to invest their time to understand the game and play well and still have a good challenge. It's also on Xbox Game Pass by the way.

And I think the Marauder is fair.