Decent game, I usually don't like to compare games from different series however, you can't not compare this game to Fallout. It's a serviceable game, with an ok story, but there is a lot less depth than Fallout. I would say if you were considering playing it, its worth playing, but not over any Fallout game.

Don't Starve Together is a fantastic, brutal, and difficult game. This is the type of game that expects you to use the game wiki, so if you like to have things explained this game is not for you.

The mystery and brutality of the world in Dont Starve is its main selling point. If you make a mistake of fail to prepare you will oftentimes die, which can end your run and force you to start again.

House Flipper was born in an era of games where the gameplay was supposed to be slow and tedious. Things such as cleaning, and painting being painfully slow were a trend in simulation games.

The game also has a toxic business model, having a limited main game, with many DLCs to add, very much like The Sims.

But even with these downsides House Flipper is a fun game you can get lost in for hours. For a lot of people decorating their sims house was the fun part, and that is the same for House Flipper.

From what I've seen House Flipper 2 is a massive upgrade over this one, so I don't think I can recommend this game anymore. However, it's a somewhat fun and relaxing experience.

I love the Pokemon franchise, this will be the only switch-era Pokemon game I won't purchase the DLC for. The performance of Scarlet and Violet is unforgivable, the FPS drops are too frequent and too damaging for the gameplay experience.

I like most of the new Pokemon and I like the freedom GameFreak gives you in this game. However, like Sword and Shield the pacing in this game is awful and the slow, tedious, and outdated parts of the Pokemon games are still present. I wish Game Freak would learn from the positive reception from Legends: Arceus.

As a kid, I used to dream about one day having a Pokemon game where the Pokemon were walking around, but even then I would not be happy with what we have gotten thus far.

This game is somehow a step back even from Sword and Shield, at least those games ran as expected. All I want from Game Freak is a playable, enjoyable Pokemon game, but it looks like that won't be any time soon.

Fallout 4 is a game worth playing, I have many hours on both PS4 and PC. However, it is not as good as Fallout: New Vegas, and from what I've heard, it's not as good as Fallout 3 either.

The world of Fallout 4 is massive, but it feels more hollow than other Bethesda games. There is still a lot to do in this massive world though, there are a lot of smaller dungeons and many memorable missions in this game.

If you are gonna play Fallout 4 I think the Far Harbor DLC is a must, it was by far the most enjoyable part of Fallout 4 for me.

Overall I would recommend Fallout 4, but I think other Fallout games are better, and would recommend those more.

Fallout New Vegas has everything you want from a Fallout game, it has the charm, the large open world, and a lot of interesting characters and locations.

The game is becoming a bit dated, so I would say play now rather than later. This is a great place to start if you haven't experienced a fallout game yet. I would recommend this over Fallout 4 any day.

Shadow of War is a solid game, worth buying if you can pick it up at a discounted price. The world is beautiful and detailed but sadly sectioned into smaller levels. The combat is solid and there are a lot of options for different fighting styles. The story is decent, nothing special, but serviceable.

The nemesis system is the star of the show, and it makes sure you always have your own unique playthrough. However, the system only shines if you die, which is a small problem as I found the game to be way too easy, even at harder difficulties.

There is not a lot that needs to be said about Pokemon HeartGold, it's probably the best Pokemon game of all time. It's a great experience and a throwback to when Game Freak put effort into their games.

My only problem with HeartGold is that it suffers from the same problems that the other Gen 4 games did, extremely slow text speed and animations. Other than that it is a great game, that every Pokemon fan should play.

This is why Game Freak needs a complete revamp, this game has no pacing and no likable characters. Hop might just be the most annoying character in existence, interrupting your journey every step of the way.

I do like many of the new Pokemon designs and find it to be one of the strongest generations in recent times. But the game itself is just not up to modern standards.

Initially, I really liked this game, and I mostly still do. However, at some point during the plot, it just lost me. It's fun to explore the vast map, and there is a lot to do, but after a while, I also ended up finding the combat boring.

The visuals are simply incredible, it's worth playing this game just for its ambiance alone. It might be the most beautiful game world out there, but I just could simply not connect with the characters.

I did not end up finishing the story, but perhaps one day I will. The game is great, it really is, but I guess it just was not a great fit for me. I would absolutely still recommend it to anyone, it is a game worth at least trying, and experiencing.

I usually do not like platformers or metroidvanias, however, I loved this one.
This is one of those games where it seems as though it gets prettier and prettier every time you look at it. The art is truly stunning, it was actually what drew me to the game in the first place.

The worst part about this game I would have to say is its combat. The combat is dull and never interesting, but it's not something that ruins the overall experience.

I like this game a lot, it has everything you expect from this type of game, and it executes most of it really well. The art is stunning and the story is solid. I would recommend playing to anyone who likes these types of games.

Just Cause 2 is a game I always keep coming back to, it's not a masterpiece or a great story, but it's just a lot of fun.

The world is not as detailed as GTA's, but it is diverse and fun to explore. There are a lot of locations to liberate, such as large military bases and towns. There are also collectibles scattered around the world, giving you things such as health upgrades for collecting.

The story of Just Cause 2 is completely irrelevant, it's fine for what it is, this game is exaggerated satire to the extreme and you will have some fun setpieces if you choose to finish the story.

The grappling hook is what sets this game apart from its competitors, it's a fun and easy way to traverse the world, while also allowing for experimentation in combat. Combined with the parachute, the grappling hook allows for a unique gameplay experience.

The combat itself is nothing spectacular, but when you combine it with the grappling hook and its tethering mechanic, you end up having different options for every fight. There is also a decent selection of weapons and vehicles, with the option to upgrade using collectibles.
The black market is also a fantastic addition to this game, allowing you to buy weapons and vehicles wherever you are.

I would recommend Just Cause 2 over 3 and 4, but those games do have one advantage over this one, namely the wingsuit.
I think Just Cause 2 was very close to being the full package, if it had a better story and a slightly more detailed world, I think this would have been a rival to the GTA of its time.

"It's the same game every year" is a common thing said about the FIFA franchise, but that's wrong, it actually gets worse every year.
I will review this from the perspective of a purely ultimate team player, with over 1000 games played as of February.

The greed EA displays year after year has reached its highest peak (so far) with this iteration. Broken mechanics, untradable packs, impossible pack odds, and more. Patches are few and far between and rarely end up fixing anything.

I like to give credit where credit is due, making squad battles matches shorter and reducing it to 30 games is great. The EVO system is the best thing EA has introduced in this franchise ever, bar none. However, new EVOs are introduced rarely, and this feature is also heavily monetized.
The addition of female players to ultimate team has been overall positive in my opinion, it has brought a lot more attention to the women's game, and it's nice to see some new faces in people's teams.

This game was supposed to be an amazing rebrand, the community even said the "FIFA" brand was holding EA back. Yet somehow this is the worst it has ever been, I haven't even brought up the constant freezes, the servers, the crashes, the PC market, or the constant errors with packs and SBCs.

Overall this game is a mess, the FIFA games had been declining steadily for a while, but EAFC 24 reached new lows.
There is still hope for this game, the core mechanics are honestly not bad, it just needs a tweak to be more player controlled, rather than being at the mercy of the poor AI.
Do not buy this game, whatever you do, you won't get your money's worth. Sadly there are not many competitors, but if you love playing offline I would honestly rather buy an older FIFA, or if you love managing in career mode, football manager is the better alternative.
Avoid if you can.

Outlast is the scariest game I have ever played, but what I love about it the most, is that it's also the most stressful game I have ever played.
Jumpscares are great and all, and Outlast has its fair share of them, but the thing Outlast does better than any other horror game is stress you. With the music in your ear, the footsteps behind you, losing track of the location of some of the inmates, and your camera running out of battery. The game does not allow the player to truly rest, even in the safe sections you are always on the edge of your seat.

I found the story to be uninteresting, and the ending to be unsatisfying. But the story is not distracting for the gameplay, it's used more as a justification for things to happen and for you to be there. The game introduces some interesting characters throughout, and most of them have their own chapters, these chapters play like big levels, and I think most of them are well-paced.

If you like horror games, Outlast is a must, It is not perfect but I think it's the best of the bunch. Even if you don't like horror games Outlast is a great experience, and I think it still holds up today.

I usually don't like these kinds of games, but Life is Strange is a great game in my opinion.
The dialog can be a bit cringe at times, but I don't see that as a negative, I was around the main character Max's age when the game was released, and I don't think the dialog is unrealistic in any way.
The story is very good, no other game has made me cry, it also has some fantastic plot twists. I quite like most of the characters, some things and character interactions feel a little forced upon you. However, these moments are few and far between.
One of the things that drew me to this game was the setting, it's just a mostly normal setting, with normal people. These people are also not just one-dimensional, they have hidden motives, most of the "evil" characters have sympathetic sides, and seem like people you could run into in real life. And most of all they have reasons to be the way they are, they are not just bad to be bad.
This is a choice selection game, with a lot of semi-open world exploration, and there are a lot of small details to the world that bring it to life.
I would recommend anyone to give Life is Strange a chance, it's a great game with a great story. It cringe at times, and it's not perfect, but i think its an experience worth having.