68 Reviews liked by IanHawke

A creeper blew up my home fuck this game lol, Im gonna to taco bell need some tacos

Almost perfect but needed a bit more level variety, I got sick of being Superman

I have never played any major game that comes off this infantile and soy and basic before. It's like a season of Paw Patrol produced by Tesla. Legitimately painful at times.

I guess chalk it up to MILES MORALES being way better than I expected, but in my apparently infinite naivete, I didn't even consider that this would be worse than the first game. It is, though - wow is it - in every way possible, including the above. Traversal, combat, story, quest design, side quests, incidental features, bugs - even the look of the game, which is supposed to be this thing's bread and butter - all took noticeable hits. Shocking how big of a stumble backwards this is.

It's perfectly clear at this point that Insomniac has nothing interesting to say or do with Spider-Man. The story of this game is so straightforward and basic it's embarrassing that it was written by adults. And once again, the dialogue and the extremely shaky and inconsistent motion capture and facial capture^ can't pull off the prestige MCU thing they're desperately reaching for. I'm no Spidey expert, but this is far and away the least interesting rendition of him that I'm familiar with. Nothing at all going on. Zero juice. It seriously feels like it's for little children.

^(not buying into the absurd conspiracies around MJ's face, but I can understand why someone would search for an alternative explanation for what they did to her because it genuinely seems impossible that they're that incompetent)

As for the gameplay, it really exposes itself in this one, with combat now being so overstuffed, spongey, and yet trivially easy that it becomes flat-out boring. They seemed to realize it and for variety's sake had no choice but to leaven the experience with UNCHARTED-style hold-forward-while-stuff-happens tunnels and, much worse, SEQUENCE after SEQUENCE after SEQUENCE of just walking around doing normal ass pointless stuff. It is CRAZY how much time you spend outside of a spider-suit (especially in the first few hours of the game!!!) looking at stuff, walking between nodes, hearing literal science lectures. The BATMAN: ARKHAM games had lots of different applications for its gameplay systems, always had different interesting things to do and discover that felt holistic to that world and story, and it never just felt like a sequence of samey fights (even though it accasionally was). Here, they have just got NOTHING to fall back on.

At one point, there's a sidequest where a Spidey fan has a copy of the first Daily Bugle photo Peter ever took of himself in action (recreating the cover of the real-world first Spider-Man comic, you know, where he's swinging and he's got the criminal under his arm). So Peter starts to flash back and you're like, oh nice, we're going to relive his first big adventure! But no, the sidequest is actually about him riding his bike to work to get the pictures in on time. I'd say that about fucking sums things up.

I love this game!!

A Lot of people say "oh the Batmobile takes up 60% of the game" First off I still find the Batmobile fun to use and second that is simply not true. The Boy Aqua (I would check his video out) said he recorded his whole 100% playthrough of this game only using it when necessary and it only took up 19% of the game.

Even then, the stealth and the combat are practically flawless, and I still thought it was a damn good story

The Deathstroke fight for this game is just Tank Among Us

my return to Arkham was as enjoyable as seeing Batman fly around Gotham or Catwoman use her whip.

Instead of taking the "play through the events of the movie" route that 95% of licensed video games used to take, Toy Story 3 instead says "hey what if you just got to play around in Andy's imagination the way he plays with his toys". It freaking rules.

Not only do I think this is one of the best licensed video games ever made, but this game also laid the groundwork for Disney Infinity, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

pretty solid reskin of simpsons hit and run. i like all the birds a lot

I only play with a group of friends and while it's a meme to hate on, it can actually be pretty fun.

Bro, let me be clear: you hate Fortnite for no reason. The game is fucking awesome and it gets better and better while the years passes.

Super Mario Galaxy is a complete masterpiece in virtually every way and is in my opinion the best 3D Mario game to date. The level design is immaculate and the atmosphere is unmatched, and that's not even mentioning the outstanding soundtrack. To this day, Rosalina's storybook is the most impactful and meaningful piece of Mario storytelling ever put into any of the games. I could go on and on, but I'm sure most of you out there already know how good this game is.