Amazing story and fun yet quick side-quests. I see others complain about the repetitive nature of the game and thats a valid complaint but I had a lot of fun with it myself and what you think of the gameplay in the long run will be different from person to person. All the endings are great and the third one exclusive to new game plus is awesome. I'd definitely recommend it to someone who wants a gateway into Fate but isn't ready to read 100 hours of a visual novel. The main flaw is that all the content should have been available through the first play-through. But it does start you back at chapter 2 and allows you to fast forward through scenes or skip them entirely and will give you a warning if a scene will have new text exclusive to new game plus. Word of warning do not do 3 play-throughs of this, save before you do the 1 on 1 fight at the end of chapter 5 and reload it so you can get both the 2nd and 3rd ending depending on what you got for your first one.

Beyond some monster designs and Luis there was not a single thing I really liked about this game. My first Resident Evil and I do not see the hype what so ever. Just play The last of us instead.

Played for 6 hours straight and I still suck but its a lot of fun. The gambling is one of the best parts but Its a shame the poker isn't Texas hold 'em but beggars cant be choosers. I'm also not one for games where the fun is collecting items but here I found it quite enjoyable. Definitely something I'll come back too for some quick fun.

I grew up in some alternate universe where this game was hated by the majority of people, so I'm only now getting to this game, and I gotta say it's another Square hit. A great story that doesn't disappoint. The entire cast is great, and one of my favorite parts of this game is how laid-back it is for the majority of the game, slowly ramping up with memorable moments sprinkled throughout. The feeling of being on this honorable pilgrimage and learning more about the world is something you can't miss, and coming off of Final Fantasy 16, it's a great change of pace. My biggest complaint and the reason it's not a full 5 stars is that I didn't enjoy the gameplay much at all, but at the same time, I wasn't frustrated, so it's whatever.

This is my attempt at trying the bullet hell genre, and I just think I'm not fit for it. I can see what people like and enjoyed the first few levels. But once it starts picking up pace I ended up hitting continue more than I was moving my own ship. Besides that, it has great visuals and a great soundtrack. Definitely a game and genre that requires a lot of patience. I can see veterans of the genre having a lot of fun with Ikaruga if they have yet to play it, but I will try and find something a bit slower-paced for me so it doesn't feel completely like I'm hitting my head against a wall of trial and error.

Its fun for what it is but certainty no Postal 1. Does nothing really bad but nothing really exceptional or good. If you've done everything in Postal 1 and Postal Redux give this a shot for a couple hours of mindless fun.

Drakengard 2 is certainly an oddity and a good one at that. Where Drakengard is hidden in the shadows of NIER, Drakengard 2 is hidden in its shadows even further.

Gameplay wise Drakengard 2 is far superior than the first. Better level design, being more fluid, and having a better weapon / combo system are some highlights. Also making characters not timed like the first game also gives better replay value which is needed if you're going to see all the endings.

The story is also fairly good but clearly needed some expansion in areas but its nothing that truly detracts from the plot. Where Drakengard dropped us off in a world that is already at war and the situation as the game progresses only gets worse, Drakengard 2 takes a more laid back approach which makes sense given it is a sequel to the "best" ending in Drakengard. Not that it detracts from it but the story never reaches the desperation you would see in the first game especially in the ending chapters after ending A. It still stands on its own and has emotional moments and characters one can like. As a continuation it felt like a good send off to the world especially with the final ending.

The main negatives come from the story though specifically the fact it has multiple endings. Drakengard 2 has 3 endings that do not change much between each yet requires entire play-throughs of the game on higher and higher difficulties to get them. They should have just stuck with the final ending and focused on improving other areas of the story and its presentation which for a ps2 game in 2005, it's a bit lack luster.

Definitely a overhated gem, just like Drakengard 1, though it's still not something I could recommend to everyone. Many people didn't care for the original game's gameplay, and even if I think the story is good, I know many would not like the tone change and if the tone/darker characters of the first is what carried you through the game I don't think you would enjoy this game very much.

You thank me still?
You're a sentimental fool...
Just like...your father...

The opening and idea of this game was interesting but it's just really boring.

People who think this game is a mess are admitting they cant keep up with a basic story that they're at least 3 games deep into already.

Big piece of shit that asks what if we made Doom 1 bad and forced the player around miserable and giant levels.

The super shotgun sucks and did irreparable damage to shooters.

Big piece of shit that asks what if we made Doom (2016) bad and forced the player around miserable and boring arenas.

The super shotgun sucks and did irreparable damage to shooters.

Great game and definitely worth a play-through, which I managed to do in two sittings. The biggest issue really is just the presentation, which could have been done better, but since you're a mercenary, context and story doesn't matter too much, does it? It's a perfect level of challenge, as by the end of the game, I had only lost five missions. If you find the controls hard, just give it another hour and really experiment with the customization; after that, you will be over that hurdle easily. The variety of missions and how short they are will keep you coming back, and the flavor text before each one really immerses you that much more to just keep pushing forward. 

Armored Core 2 is one of the rare games where it does everything and more compared to its predecessor. Better world building, more plot, more AC customization, and the arena.
Without spoiling too much of the plot, the story is basically Char's Counterattack, but with all the mistakes in the movie fixed.

Fighting for corporations and the earth government has never been more fun, and with that comes the arena, a place where you can take on other pilots one-on-one for some extra cash to either upgrade your armored core early or keep yourself out of debt. Every pilot in the arena is fleshed out with a backstory, and you can see their personality even in the way they fight. At 60fps, combat is just perfect. On top of allowing you to rebind buttons, it makes for a fun and intense combat system lifted from the first.

If you couldn't get into Armored Core 1, go ahead and give this game a shot. With the improvements above and the added arena, this is definitely the easier entry to get into. I also see that most people who try Armored Core 1 don't know about the plus system. Once you hit 50k debt, your handler sends you off for upgrades, and it restarts your game. This allows for the game to be a bit easier, and each time you hit 50k debt, you get another upgrade and restart.
Although with the additional arena, debt isn't as much of a worry, and most should be able to get through the game fairly easily on the normal difficulty without the plus program.
Overall, this is a perfect mecha action game and one I highly recommend.

100% this VN when it came out. As an 11 year old though I had to use a guide so that I wouldn't get the Kenji ending where you die.