As someone who thinks the ideas behind games like Dwarf Fortress are interesting, they've always been a challenge for me to get into and truly appreciate. Kenshi allows me to play a game like that without being too complex yet having just enough depth to be just as engaging.

I've barely seen what this game has to offer, yet I have poured upwards of 30 hours into it already and see no sign of stopping. In such a beautiful and rich world that you just exist in like everyone else, you do things simply to survive; the meaning behind your play-through is up to you.

It's ultimately a CRPG survival game; stats increase the more you do something associated with said stat, and the game does a good enough job explaining that. Combat is mostly just hitting right-click and telling what party members to fight and what kind of stance they should be in. The weapons they carry can affect enemy limbs differently, and they all have varying degrees of use. The best part is that the survival mechanics aren't overbearing or stressful. You have a list of limbs and they each have their own health bar. Using bandages and splints depending on the injury fixes them, and they slowly regain health again. You have a hunger stat, but obtaining money for food isn't too much trouble.

Give this game a shot and save often if you do; don't be afraid to save scum and learn from your mistakes. While it is difficult, it is still very enjoyable and immersive. And if you see a big giraffe-looking thing with a beak, make sure to go up to it, as they offer great transport and make for good food resources.

The best Animal Crossing game to date.

First half is great but the second half drops off in quality and has many irritating puzzles that aren't worth the trial and error you have to sit through. An amazing premise in a desperate need of being remade/revisited.

Its to ambitious for its own good. Without a guide the game is just infuriating and tedious. Try it out and see if its for you.

Leon is more than quips and it has an actual story with good gameplay. 4 could never compare.

Great game, loved the mission based structure and the engaging plot. Gun-play is snappy and you really do feel the upgrades. Sheva isn't bad at all except for the hanger fight with Wesker but its easy to get past that part. Honestly its great both single-player and multi-player. The variety of locations and levels throughout the game also helps so there is never a dull moment. Also love all the different controller options and in my run I went with Control D.

This game is really only for fans and even then it feels like a blueprint for a much better game. The game is very repetitive but its easy to pick up and play and be done with it. There is missions outside the main story and in game collectibles but if you just wanna go through the story mode it wont take long, took me 3 hours total. Another reason this is only for Bleach fans is that the story mode starts near the beginning of the Hueco Mundo arc and ends with the Final Getsuga Tenshō. Combat is fun but due to the repetitive nature of the game and how easy it is, it ends up not leaving much of an impact. If you can emulate it or get it for around 20 dollars its definitely worth it and you will have a good time with it.

PS2 game trapped in 2017. The definitive edition is a good update that fixed most complaints people had with the original game. ReCore consists of different areas to explore, and you can find upgrades for your robot companions and search out other collectibles. Each area also has multiple dungeons. Combat consists of matching the color of the bullets you're firing to the color of the enemies; doing so boosts the damage done. The platforming is also really good, and exploring the world is rewarding yet fun enough on its own with many traversal options such as gliding, double jumping, boosts, and latching onto climable walls. The final dungeon is a bit lame and stretched out, but it's not as bad as people say. The biggest complaint I see is areas being blocked off for not having enough of a certain collectable; even the final boss will be if you don't have enough. Personally, getting them wasn't hard or tedious, but how many you needed also could have been lowered a bit. The plot sort of exists, but it serves more as a backdrop for the world around you. It took me 15 hours to beat the game, and it is definitely worth the playthrough.

Dolphin Blue is a beautiful game, and with unlimited continues, it's great to just pick up and play. Given it's like Metal Slug, it took maybe an hour to beat, which makes for an "easy" experience to memorize and get better at. I would have gone broke if I played this in an arcade.

The first level in the game is the best part, but it slowly gets worse. Three of the four levels are great, and each one is a bit different. Escaping from a hospital, exploring your home and finding out who you were, and being a detective in a hotel following a string of murders using your psychic powers. The main issue with the game comes from half the boss fights; they're trial-and-error bullshit that wouldn't be hard at all if it weren't for the fact that this game utilizes tank controls. These controls are fine for the majority of the game; it's just those sections where you feel like grinding your teeth with a belt sander. The final level also decided to mostly focus on combat and is just a tower where you fight a few enemies on each floor before reaching the top, when the game before hand never focused intensely on combat. There are a lot of good ideas, especially in the story and atmosphere, but they fall flat in areas that just make it an okay PlayStation 1 game.

Foamstars is really fun and has a lot of good ideas, but it's a bit lacking in content. Since it's free right now, I think it's a must-play, but when it increases to 30 dollars, I'd wait for additional content unless you have friends to play with. 

The splatoon comparison is also super-surface-level. The game as of now has eight characters, each with a unique gun, two abilities, and an ultimate. The main game mode consists of eight players, four on each team. Both teams start with seven lives, and once your team loses all its lives, your best player gets a buff and becomes harder to "chill" (kill). The goal is to eliminate that star player, and that wins the match. When you chill another player, they become a big ball of foam; kicking it eliminates them, but a teammate can come in and save them by kicking it and freeing them. Foam also stacks on top of itself, so making sure you have layers of foam is good so the enemy team can't erase all of it, and foam can be used for platforming.

Beyond cosmetic customization, you can unlock bubble gems. Bubble gems usually consist of a passive, like increased movement speed, and are associated with a letter rank. Unlocking these bubble gems costs energy stones, and you get them by completing challenges and leveling up the season pass. Each tier after the 40th nets you three energy stones, and this is regardless of whether you bought the season pass or not, so it rewards you pretty well for completing it. You can have a set of three bubble gems, which you roll for with energy stones. Each slot in your set will cost an increasing number of energy stones. Slot 1 = 1 ES, Slot 2 = 2 ES, and Slot 3 = 3 ES. When you unlock a bubble stone and say it has a low rank, you can delete it, and this will take it out of the pool of possible rolls so you won't get it again, which is really nice.

This game really should just stay free, given that it has decent monetization. Skins are around 10 bucks, skins for smaller items are less, and the season pass is around 6 bucks. I can't wait to see more.

It's good for what it is, but it could have had a more interesting story and should have presented more varied set pieces and enemy varieties. The final section isn't that great because it changes the rules of how you play, but at the same time, it's only about 30 minutes at most. The majority of the game is very fluid and constant. Moving around and snapping to different walls, rocks, and crates allows you to quickly get a grasp on any situation and take out everyone. The final section becomes a rhythm game with the final "boss", and it promotes the most boring style of play ever that is often associated with cover shooters, sitting in one spot and hoping people peak a little bit. Whereas before, it was like Halo with a third-person view and snappy bobbing and weaving through the environment while making use of whatever weapons you can find or places you can get behind in these tight and well-crafted combat areas. The puzzles are also great and feel extremely natural and we could have used a few more near the end.

Uncharted 2 improved and did everything I wanted from Uncharted 1. Some of the enemies felt a bit spongier, but it wasn't the worst thing ever. Wish Sully was present more than Chloe. The "Final" boss puts the last mission of Uncharted 1 to shame.

A better story than the second, with naughty dog further refining the gameplay. It had more variety in its set pieces and areas, which made it so you're never truly bored throughout the entire experience. Uncharted 3 had a lot to live up to and surpassed everything set before it. If you had to play one Uncharted game, this would be it.

2.5 not for the game's quality but for the memories of playing this with my friend for multiple hours after AVGN put out his video on it and I just happened to own it already. A B B A

A perfect conclusion built on an amazing game.