53 reviews liked by Igglanova

why is this even on this website, it doesn't exist

a 5/5 story in a 3/5 shooter. part of growin up is realizing one of your favorite games is slightly worse than you always said it was.
i do love running around and being apart of this world and this atmosphere and taking it all in because it is all super cool and eerie but the “underwater photographer john rambo with my lil tonics and plasmids and grenade launchers” of it all really always takes me out of it and hurts the overall immersion, especially in the latter portions of the game. much as i love this game, it’s something that i can’t fully ignore anymore

loved the directors commentary and the unused ideas museum. every fuckin game should have that what a cool idea.
miiight as well face it you’re addicted to slugs

This game literally killed Volition

i used to think kuro was my favorite cousin cuz he’s red and black and edgy and cool (was also a big Ben Reilly fan growing up) but now i think its foomin
lucha definitely up there too and havana

oh yeah the game uhhh it’s a remaster of my favorite game ever and there’s DLC that adds more music helloooo easy fiver what did u expect??

ugly fugly broke ass bitch how dare u stand where he stood etc etc

what kinda fuckin name is tripp anyway 🍉🍉

Nah, I say Let It Die! Let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and... come on who's with me huh?

I really wish I was better at this so I could enjoy it more.

If there was an award for a game company with the most dead franchises to their names, one of the highest contenders for receiving that award would be Sega. They have had so many IPs over the years that have since been left for dead, primarily only wanting to focus on making Sonic and Yakuza games. Sure, sometimes there will be a new title in this series as a quick nostalgia cash grab, or they will be referenced in other Sega games, but most of the time, they have been abandoned for other, more successful brands. Some of these franchises would include the previously discussed Alex Kidd, Space Channel 5, Crazy Taxi, Panzer Dragoon, and today's subject, Shinobi.

When it comes to the original Shinobi for arcades, as you would probably expect, it holds up pretty well, and it is still pretty fun to play nowadays. Of course, it has its case of Arcade Syndrome, along with a few other problems, but it still remains a classic in Sega's lineup.

The story is very simple, and it has more purpose then just "save the world" or "rescue the girl" (even though it isn't too much more purpose), the graphics are, of course, pretty good, the music is very well done, even if a lot of the tracks sound the same, the control is solid overall, and the gameplay is, of course, pretty simple, yet still fun in its execution.

The game is yet another basic 2D action platformer, where you move from left to right, defeating countless enemies and bosses, and complete bonus stages for extra lives, while also using powerups and special moves to help you along the way. In addition, you can also hop in between the background and foreground to add a bit of variety, and in order to progress to the next stage, you have to save all of the same-looking people before moving on. It's not particularly hard at all, but hey, at least it is different from other platformers at the time.

This all provides a solid package, and again, it all holds it really well to this day. Not to mention, the inclusion of jumping in-between two separate areas of the level, along with needing to rescue a bunch of people in order to beat the levels, does provide an extra bit of strategy as to how you approach and move through these levels. Yeah, it's not that much strategy, but it is enough to where it is a welcome change from what you get in other platformers at the time.

And yet, of course, it has several issues that hold it back from being too great. As you would expect, this game suffers from Arcade Syndrome, where it throws a shit ton of stuff at you to kill you, and eats all your money in the process. However, out of all the arcade games I have reviewed so far, I would say it is the WORST that it has ever been here. They throw WAY too much at you to where it is practically impossible to get through the stages without save states or rewinding, and considering how you start at the beginning of the stage whenever you die, that becomes a problem pretty quickly.

Not to mention, one other minor complaint I have with the game is that the hit boxes on a lot of enemies are pretty annoying. There are plenty of times where enemies can block your attacks, and it gets aggravating at times, especially with bosses and shield enemies. It's not too much of an issue, but again, it can get annoying at points.

Overall, despite how ruthless it can be, it is still a pretty fun arcade classic from Sega, and a great start to the Shinobi franchise. Let's just hope that future games in this series can hold back a little on the difficulty, but that probably won't be the case.

Game #121