It's been 11 years Black Box please

I called this the greatest game I've ever played on release. :)

Not sure what's wrong with me, but I never found this fun at all.

Actually pretty fun until the frame rate just dies on the last floor? Maybe that's been fixed since then though.

Hoping to appreciate this more one day.

I was born in 1997, and my brother got us this game when it released, and got our xbox live hooked up for the first time. He really exposed me to online multiplayer at 7 years old man imagine the lasting implications that has

My earliest memory of playing a video game was Halo, must've been 4 or 5 years old. Fucked up.

I really enjoy this game, but whenever I play it, I stop early to play Slay the Spire instead. Nothing wrong with it, but when STS exists the choice is clear.

Caused a lot of friction in my friend group by getting them to play this with me and playing as the monster almost every time

Horrific to think my main source of entertainment for a whole year, maybe more(?) was playing a torrented copy of this game on a hand-me-down brick of a laptop running at what must have been 15 fps. I did that for at the very least, 500 hours of gameplay. I loved this game a lot.

Had no business being as fun as it was