fuck I might be colorblind

Backloggd using the old item icons in the header is making me lose it. I've missed that Phantom Dancer icon so much wtf. Feel like pure shit just want her back

I haven't had this much fun in years. Once I started hitting 6p on my friend's Trovão I've been unable to stop pogging. It turns out fighting games are great wtf.

Wish I could relive the experience of playing through this for the first time. Constantly chasing that high.

Every few years I pick this game back up and binge it for like a week. Incredibly soothing and entertaining in those short bursts.

In the best way possible, this game has the worst voice acting you'll ever hear.

Can't remember the last game I was so enamored by like this. Gets a little tedious when approaching the end game, but that could be cause I tried to tie up most the loose ends and see everything possible. Comes back around with an amazing callback (if you internalize a certain Thought) and a pretty satisfying ending. Really fucking funny game too.

Gets a little old after a while

I'm not the authority on the subject, but Celeste is undoubtedly the best platformer out there.

Nothing will ever be funnier than seeing your friend's dirty water bucket clip something and spill all over where they just cleaned

Hoping to appreciate this more one day.

11 years later and I'd still call this my favorite game of all time

Played on and off since launch. Pretty big love-hate relationship with PUBG, but at its core, I really enjoy the game.

I was born in 1997, and my brother got us this game when it released, and got our xbox live hooked up for the first time. He really exposed me to online multiplayer at 7 years old man imagine the lasting implications that has