No wonder people call it the pinnacle of immersive sims.
The beginning of the game felt just magical! The exploration, learning all the mechanics and what means are available to you, yearning to uncover what happened...
I liked the story. The way of how it was uncovered to you also seemed neat.
Most of the time, the game felt fresh but I would welcome more weapon choices and maybe enemy types.
The ending was a mindfuck >.< Left me wanting to explore different choices available.

The best writting in a game I have ever played. It's an unique experience in which I recommend going in blind! One of the few games that makes me want to replay it while taking a different approach.
Game has it's technical flaws, few annoying bugs that sometimes break the game.
Putting that aside, it's a great work of art! :3
Left me depressed, wanting moooore....

My favorite roguelite I always return to! Lots of content to unlock.

Really fun platformer, even tho the genre is not rly my thing, I very much enjoyed it. The difficulty curve was a bit wonky sometimes and few levels were a bit uninspired, but overall a solid game.

Proper game that does not hold your hand. Puzzles cleverly use the mechanics and limitations of it's engine, even tho sometimes the solution is not clear at all.
Game feel is on point and it reminded me a bit of Dark Souls series.
Overall a memorable experience! :3