Imagine a version of this game where... Instead of stupid waggle shit, you could just push a BUTTON to do anything that required waggling. What a novel concept.

SplashWOMAN? Has feminism gone too far?

Some of the bosses are slightly annoying to fight. I always hate going against Magmaman and Tornadoman.

It was cool being able to play primarily as Bowser for once, and in one of Mario RPG games too. Sure, you could use Bowser in SMRPG, but he wasn't the main character. Here, you get access to Bowser as a protagonist, and it's neat.

It blows that they try to build up House as this secretly evil guy but like the worst thing that he does is say "I wouldn't let super mutants into Disneyland", which is fairly understandable considering that 3 showed us that they pretty regularly tortured and disemboweled people. I don't agree with it, but like. Is that really the worst thing about the dude who singlehandedly saved a large portion of people from the bombs? Is that really supposed to be a dealbreaker for me?

It's a very pretty game, and I do love that this revitalized the DKC series.

It's mildly funny fucking up zombies and watching them stumble to get back up. You knock them down and it takes them like 7 seconds before they're even a threat again. Very amusing stuff.

The worst thing about this game is that it's very rigid in what you need to do if you want to get the best score for the game. You basically have to do a very specific set of things rather than demonstrating any ability to improvise or hit a certain skill ceiling. Not the worst problem to have, but it is slightly disappointing because it makes the game feel less engrossing.

Horrendously stupid story. I know fighting games aren't exactly trying very hard when it comes to the writing department, but I couldn't take how insipid the story was.

There's no getting around the fact that this game is basically nothing but trial-and-error.

"Ragged Mountain" is one of my favorite tracks in the entire PMD series.

I really like that this game ends at some point. The whole time I was playing it, I was like "Is the torment neverending? Must I suffer eternally?", so it was a nice change of pace when everything ceased.

There's a sweet story buried in here somewhere. I like that it's fairly sincere.

Feels a bit undercooked. I don't mind that it's short, I just feel like there was more that could've been done with the core gameplay.

Fails to do much to grab you if you're not already a fan of 2D Zelda.

I do like that it takes a risk in hemorrhaging your own enjoyment of the game to make a point. It's very interesting in that sense, exploring what can be done with games as a medium. As they say, the medium is the message.