A focused smaller Total War game that presents the Trojan war in a neat and well characterized way. It does ask the question of how enjoyable Total War is without a lot of the scope and frills modern titles offer however, so maybe not worth checking out if you haven't exhausted titles like Warhammer or Three Kingdoms

A better compromised cyberpunk romp than some other notable modern titles

Turning it into an auto playing dungeon crawler via meticulous setup is phonemically and the art direction is top notch. Everything else is pretty standard for a Final Fantasy however with the plot being notably average

The combat overstays it's welcome and most encounters are nothing to write home about but the world and story of Nier: Automata is perhaps one of the most striking last decade. Oh and the music? Incredible

A disappointing outing for Obsidian. Lackluster design in areas too large for their own good keeps combat or exploring from ever feeling great and it's commitment to centrism keeps it from saying anything meaningful outside of a few specific quests. I'd rate it lower if it weren't for half of it's party being well written

Better than it's reputation and well expanded upon after relase

World of Warcraft at the finest it's been in a long time but still plagued with everything that comes with the name. The Covenants and setting are a fun change of pace

The unusual sequel that addresses almost every issue that was present in the original. Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire is a masterclass of RPG design that will compare favorably for years to come. It's only flaw is that it's hard to recommend to someone who has not played the first.

An interesting world and entertaining story trapped with a poorly paced combat system that appears far more deeper than it actually is. Far too much is traded from the traditional turn based system for the ability for units to flank other units. This combined with a poorly thought out progression system makes The Last Remnant and interesting but sluggish project

A fine Mario game with the usual charm but fairly dull worlds that fail to make use of the inventive powers and movement capabilities present

Persona 4 fumbles with it's own conservatism to ever really land the concepts it's playing with. However the demon fusing and dungeon crawling is as fun as Persona tends to offer

It's combat is fun and some of the writing is the best in the series. However some of the writing is also the worst in the series and it's far far too long for it's own good

A straightforward fun aerial combat game with fun multiplayer and a better campaign than one would expect. While it makes some interesting choices in how The Empire portrayed it's a fun and refreshing visit to the setting.

Masterworks all you can't go wrong